Effective June 1, 2012, the FedEx Direct API and FedEx Ship Manager Direct services will be shut down. Please take a look at the versions of AspDotNetStorefront ML and MSx that are impacted below and the recommended steps to minimize interruption to your business.
If you use Fedex with one of the following versions of ML and MSx, your store will be affected:
• ML or earlier. (Not ML and on.)
• MSx or earlier.( Not MSx and on.)
If this change by Fedex impacts you, you must take one of the following actions in order to avoid disruption to your online business:
1) Have a developer modify your cart to use the newer Fedex API. You can find qualified development partners here.
2) Upgrade to a newer version of AspDotNetStorefront. Need help with your upgrade? Take a look at our new Upgrade Service.