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Thread: Zoomify HTML5 - Anyone familiar with it?

  1. #1
    donato is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Zoomify HTML5 - Anyone familiar with it?

    I am having a bit of a time with this... is anyone familiar with Zoomify HTML5?

  2. #2
    donato is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Dynamically replace folder name...

    I have the Zoomify HTML5 working, which is awesome by the way. Works GREAT in iOS and Android. However, I need to dynamically pass the product id to the folder name paramater in the Zoomify code in the header of template.ascx.

    Here is the code... I need to dynamically populate the product id where 986 is:

        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../jscripts/ZoomifyImageViewer.js"></script>
        <style type="text/css"> #ZoomImage { width: 578px; height: 585px } </style>
        <script type="text/javascript"> Z.showImage("ZoomImage", "986", "zMinZoom=0&zMaxZoom=250&zNavigatorVisible=1&zNavigatorWidth=100&zNavigatorHeight=80&zNavigatorLeft=10&zNavigatorTop=10&zNavigatorFit=1&zToolbarVisible=1&zToolbarPosition=1&zLogoVisible=0&zFullPageVisible=1&zProgressVisible=1&zTooltipsVisible=1&zSliderVisible=1&zZoomSpeed=5&zPanSpeed=5&zFadeInSpeed=5&zConstrainPan=1&zClickZoom=1&zClickPan=1&zMousePan=1 &zKeys=1&zCanvas=1&zDebug=0&zSkinPath=Assets/Skins/Default", "zSkinPath=Assets/Skins/Light"); </script>
    Any thoughts on how I could do this please?