We've been running our cart for the last couple of years with PayPalExpress and had no problems. However, we just noticed today (April 5) that an order placed on April 1 through PayPal never made it back to Storefront. I spoke with the customer and he informed me that he went to PayPal, authorized the payment, and upon being returned to our site was asked again for a payment method. He tried going through PayPal again (he was a very patient customer), and whilst in PayPal saw that the funds had already been withdrawn. Not wanting to be charged twice, he exited out of his browser.
We've received the payment, but his order never became a full order, and as such, we can't process it in our ERP. Is there a method by which I (as a site administrator) can retrieve this lost order and make it into a true and complete order?
Thanks to the forums I know now how to prevent this from happening again (PayPal.UseInstantNotifications = True), but I'd really like to fix this guy's order now. Any ideas?