I just discovered that customers were not getting the correct shipping costs when trying to get a shipping estimate.
I had (just removed it because of this error) the ability for in store pickup in my local state. What I learned was that although I had the option set for in store pickup, I got an admin failure with something in the logs about Mal formed input stream and was unable to set the by state option...
So I created a new shipping method Called In- Store Pickup and attempted to set the state that way with a 0.0 cost option. It did not pay any attention and was giving that option to all customers in all states.
To further aggravate the issue, it was only showing the one option, not showing any other options..... It says "Get Estimate(S)" for the button, but only shows one option.
and since it was showing that option for ALL customers, it always took the lowest cost option and put 0.00 in for the freight.
It also doesn't do anything about telling the user the freight is free when the total of the order goes over the min to get free freight.
Is there a way to show all shipping choices, with say radio buttons for the user to select the option and then get a total?
I'm on version