If you require immediate support, you should submit it to our support department, as long as it's not something caused by customizations we will definitely handle it there.
As for the 'Free Shipping' issue, I'd like you to check the following tables:
select * from dbo.ShippingMethodToCountryMap
select * from dbo.ShippingMethodToStateMap
select * from dbo.ShippingMethodToZoneMap
If that would return any row, make a full backup of your DB first and run:
delete from dbo.ShippingMethodToCountryMap
delete from dbo.ShippingMethodToStateMap
delete from dbo.ShippingMethodToZoneMap
If you were using fixed rate before RTS, that would clear all shipping method mapping in Country/State/Zone. I believe the issue lies around there somewhere.
Let us know if that resolves the issue.