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Thread: Shipping special offer rate

  1. #1
    dauckland is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Colorado Springs

    Default Shipping special offer rate

    Good morning

    I'd like to set up my v8 store to be able to offer special shipping rates to select groups of customers, like via the use of a coupon. It doesn't appear as a coupon option, however. For a limited time, I'd like to offer a flat $5.00 shipping rate to customers responding to an email offer while other customers are denied that special flat rate.


    Dennis A

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    That's not possible out of the box. But, you could do it the another way around. Why not just create a coupon (e.g. $ off on order total) and assigned it only to customers who were qualified. So, if you have flat shipping rate of $10, give those customers $5 coupon discount on orders as an offsite.

  3. #3
    dauckland is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Colorado Springs

    Default Good Idea

    Thanks Alfred for your idea. Unfortunately, our standard shipping rate calculation is based on a percentage of order value$, not flat rate. I'm looking for a way to use an alternate shipping rate calculation method, in this case a flat rate, for just select customers while keeping the standard rate method active for all other customers.

    Thanks, Dennis
    Dennis A