alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[aspdnsf_GetCustomersRelatedProducts]
@CustomerViewID nvarchar(50),
@ProductID int,
@CustomerLevelID int,
@InvFilter int,
@affiliateID int
@custlevelcount int,
@CustomerLevelFilteringIsAscending bit,
@FilterProductsByCustomerLevel tinyint,
@relatedprods varchar(8000),
@DynamicProductsEnabled varchar(10),
@DynamicProductsDisplayed int,
@FilterProductsByAffiliate tinyint,
@affiliatecount int,
@AffiliateExists int
SELECT @custlevelcount = si.rows from dbo.sysobjects so with (nolock) join dbo.sysindexes si with (nolock) on = where = object_id('ProductCustomerLevel') and si.indid < 2 and type = 'u'
SELECT @FilterProductsByCustomerLevel = case ConfigValue when 'true' then 1 else 0 end FROM dbo.AppConfig with (nolock) WHERE [Name] = 'FilterProductsByCustomerLevel'
SELECT @FilterProductsByAffiliate = case ConfigValue when 'true' then 1 else 0 end FROM dbo.AppConfig with (nolock) WHERE [Name] = 'FilterProductsByAffiliate'
SELECT @affiliatecount = count(*), @AffiliateExists = sum(case when AffiliateID = @affiliateID then 1 else 0 end) from dbo.ProductAffiliate with (nolock) where ProductID = @ProductID
SET @CustomerLevelFilteringIsAscending = 0
SELECT @CustomerLevelFilteringIsAscending = case configvalue when 'true' then 1 else 0 end
FROM dbo.appConfig with (nolock)
WHERE name like 'FilterByCustomerLevelIsAscending'
SELECT @DynamicProductsDisplayed = CAST(ConfigValue AS INT) from AppConfig with (NOLOCK) where Name = 'DynamicRelatedProducts.NumberDisplayed'
SELECT @DynamicProductsEnabled = CASE ConfigValue WHEN 'true' then 1 else 0 end from AppConfig with (NOLOCK) where Name = 'DynamicRelatedProducts.Enabled'
select @relatedprods = replace(cast(relatedproducts as varchar(8000)), ' ', '') from dbo.product with (NOLOCK) where productid = @productid
--IF(@DynamicProductsEnabled = 1 and @DynamicProductsDisplayed > 0)
SELECT TOP (@DynamicProductsDisplayed) tp.ProductID, tp.ProductGUID, tp.ImageFilenameOverride, tp.SKU, tp.SEAltText, tp.Name, tp.Description,
pv.VariantID, VariantName,
pv.Description VariantDescription,
isnull(pv.SalePrice, 0) SalePrice, isnull(pv.SkuSuffix, '') SkuSuffix,
pv.Dimensions, pv.Weight, isnull(pv.Points, 0) Points, pv.Inventory,
pv.ImageFilenameOverride VariantImageFilenameOverride, pv.isdefault, SalesPromptName,
case when pcl.productid is null then 0 else isnull(e.Price, 0) end ExtendedPrice
FROM Product tp with (NOLOCK)
join dbo.productvariant pv with (NOLOCK) on tp.ProductID = pv.ProductID
join dbo.SalesPrompt sp with (NOLOCK) on tp.SalesPromptID = sp.SalesPromptID
left join dbo.ExtendedPrice e with (NOLOCK) on pv.VariantID=e.VariantID and e.CustomerLevelID = @CustomerLevelID
left join dbo.productcustomerlevel pcl with (nolock) on tp.productid = pcl.productid and @FilterProductsByCustomerLevel = 1
SELECT p.ProductID, p.ProductGUID, p.ImageFilenameOverride, p.SKU, p.SEAltText, p.Name, p.Description,
pv.VariantID, VariantName,
pv.Description VariantDescription,
isnull(pv.SalePrice, 0) SalePrice, isnull(pv.SkuSuffix, '') SkuSuffix,
pv.Dimensions, pv.Weight, isnull(pv.Points, 0) Points, pv.Inventory,
pv.ImageFilenameOverride VariantImageFilenameOverride, pv.isdefault, SalesPromptName,
case when pcl.productid is null then 0 else isnull(e.Price, 0) end ExtendedPrice
from dbo.product p with (nolock)
join dbo.productvariant pv with (NOLOCK) on p.ProductID = pv.ProductID
join dbo.SalesPrompt sp with (NOLOCK) on p.SalesPromptID = sp.SalesPromptID
left join dbo.ExtendedPrice e with (NOLOCK) on pv.VariantID=e.VariantID and e.CustomerLevelID = @CustomerLevelID
join dbo.split(@relatedprods, ',') rp on p.productid = cast(rp.items as int)
left join dbo.productcustomerlevel pcl with (nolock) on p.productid = pcl.productid and @FilterProductsByCustomerLevel = 1
join (select p.ProductID
from dbo.product p with (nolock)
join dbo.split(@relatedprods, ',') rp on p.productid = cast(rp.items as int)
join (select ProductID, sum(Inventory) Inventory from dbo.productvariant with (nolock) group by ProductID) pv on p.ProductID = pv.ProductID
left join (select ProductID, sum(quan) inventory from dbo.inventory i1 with (nolock) join dbo.productvariant pv1 with (nolock) on pv1.variantid = i1.variantid join dbo.split(@relatedprods, ',') rp1 on pv1.productid = cast(rp1.items as int) group by pv1.productid) i on i.productid = p.productid
where case p.TrackInventoryBySizeAndColor when 1 then isnull(i.inventory, 0) else pv.inventory end >= @InvFilter
) tp on p.productid = tp.productid
where p.published = 1 and p.deleted = 0 and p.productid != @productid
and PV.published = 1 and PV.deleted = 0
and GETDATE() BETWEEN ISNULL(AvailableStartDate, '1/1/1900') AND ISNULL(AvailableStopDate, '1/1/2999')
and case
when @FilterProductsByCustomerLevel = 0 then 1
when @CustomerLevelFilteringIsAscending = 1 and pcl.CustomerLevelID <= @CustomerLevelID or pcl.CustomerLevelID is null then 1
when @CustomerLevelID=0 and pcl.CustomerLevelID is null then 1
when @CustomerLevelID is null or @custlevelcount = 0 then 1
when pcl.CustomerLevelID = @CustomerLevelID or pcl.CustomerLevelID is null then 1
else 0
end = 1
SELECT pr.ProductID, pr.ProductGUID, pr.ImageFilenameOverride, pr.SKU, pr.SEAltText, pr.Name, pr.Description,
pv.VariantID, VariantName,
pv.Description VariantDescription,
isnull(pv.SalePrice, 0) SalePrice, isnull(SkuSuffix, '') SkuSuffix,
pv.Dimensions, pv.Weight, isnull(pv.Points, 0) Points, pv.Inventory,
pv.ImageFilenameOverride VariantImageFilenameOverride, pv.isdefault, SalesPromptName,
case when pcl.productid is null then 0 else isnull(e.Price, 0) end ExtendedPrice
join dbo.productvariant pv with (NOLOCK) on pr.ProductID = pv.ProductID
join dbo.SalesPrompt sp with (NOLOCK) on pr.SalesPromptID = sp.SalesPromptID
left join dbo.ExtendedPrice e with (NOLOCK) on pv.VariantID=e.VariantID and e.CustomerLevelID = @CustomerLevelID
left join dbo.productcustomerlevel pcl with (nolock) on pr.productid = pcl.productid and @FilterProductsByCustomerLevel = 1
WHERE pr.ProductID in (
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT p.ProductID FROM Product p with (NOLOCK)
SELECT ProductID FROM ProductView with (NOLOCK) WHERE CustomerViewID
SELECT CustomerViewID FROM ProductView with (NOLOCK)
WHERE ProductID = @ProductID AND CustomerViewID <> @CustomerViewID
AND ProductID <> @ProductID
select ProductID
from product with (NOLOCK)
join split(@relatedprods, ',') rp on productid = cast(rp.items as int)
group by ProductID
) a on p.ProductID = a.ProductID
LEFT JOIN dbo.productcustomerlevel pcl with (NOLOCK) on p.productid = pcl.productid and @FilterProductsByCustomerLevel = 1
left join dbo.ProductAffiliate pa with (nolock) on p.ProductID = pa.ProductID
pr.Published = 1 AND pr.Deleted = 0 and PV.published = 1 and PV.deleted = 0
and GETDATE() BETWEEN ISNULL(AvailableStartDate, '1/1/1900') AND ISNULL(AvailableStopDate, '1/1/2999')
and case
when @FilterProductsByCustomerLevel = 0 then 1
when @CustomerLevelFilteringIsAscending = 1 and pcl.CustomerLevelID <= @CustomerLevelID or pcl.CustomerLevelID is null then 1
when @CustomerLevelID=0 and pcl.CustomerLevelID is null then 1
when @CustomerLevelID is null or @custlevelcount = 0 then 1
when pcl.CustomerLevelID = @CustomerLevelID or pcl.CustomerLevelID is null then 1
else 0
end = 1
and (pa.AffiliateID = @affiliateID or pa.AffiliateID is null or @affiliatecount = 0 or @FilterProductsByAffiliate = 0)
group by p.ProductID
order by COUNT(*) desc
)prd on tp.ProductID = prd.ProductID
IF(@DynamicProductsEnabled = 0 and @DynamicProductsDisplayed > 0)
select TOP (@DynamicProductsDisplayed) p.ProductID, p.ProductGUID, p.ImageFilenameOverride, p.SKU, p.SEAltText, p.Name, p.Description,
/* mb 11/09 */
pv.Description VariantDescription,
isnull(pv.SalePrice, 0) SalePrice, isnull(SkuSuffix, '') SkuSuffix,
pv.Dimensions, pv.Weight, isnull(pv.Points, 0) Points, pv.Inventory,
pv.ImageFilenameOverride VariantImageFilenameOverride, pv.isdefault, SalesPromptName,
case when pcl.productid is null then 0 else isnull(e.Price, 0) end ExtendedPrice
from dbo.product p with (nolock)
join dbo.productvariant pv with (NOLOCK) on p.ProductID = pv.ProductID
join dbo.SalesPrompt sp with (NOLOCK) on p.SalesPromptID = sp.SalesPromptID
left join dbo.ExtendedPrice e with (NOLOCK) on pv.VariantID=e.VariantID and e.CustomerLevelID = @CustomerLevelID
left join (select variantid, sum(quan) inventory from inventory group by variantid) i on pv.variantid = i.variantid
join dbo.split(@relatedprods, ',') rp on p.productid = cast(rp.items as int)
left join dbo.productcustomerlevel pcl with (nolock) on p.productid = pcl.productid and @FilterProductsByCustomerLevel = 1
join (select p.ProductID
from dbo.product p with (nolock)
join dbo.split(@relatedprods, ',') rp on p.productid = cast(rp.items as int)
join (select ProductID, sum(Inventory) Inventory from dbo.productvariant with (nolock) group by ProductID) pv on p.ProductID = pv.ProductID
left join (select ProductID, sum(quan) inventory from dbo.inventory i1 with (nolock) join dbo.productvariant pv1 with (nolock) on pv1.variantid = i1.variantid join dbo.split(@relatedprods, ',') rp1 on pv1.productid = cast(rp1.items as int) group by pv1.productid) i on i.productid = p.productid
where case p.TrackInventoryBySizeAndColor when 1 then isnull(i.inventory, 0) else pv.inventory end >= @InvFilter
) tp on p.productid = tp.productid
where p.published = 1 and p.deleted = 0 and p.productid != @productid
and pv.published = 1 and pv.deleted = 0
and GETDATE() BETWEEN ISNULL(AvailableStartDate, '1/1/1900') AND ISNULL(AvailableStopDate, '1/1/2999')
and case
when @FilterProductsByCustomerLevel = 0 then 1
when @CustomerLevelFilteringIsAscending = 1 and pcl.CustomerLevelID <= @CustomerLevelID or pcl.CustomerLevelID is null then 1
when @CustomerLevelID=0 and pcl.CustomerLevelID is null then 1
when @CustomerLevelID is null or @custlevelcount = 0 then 1
when pcl.CustomerLevelID = @CustomerLevelID or pcl.CustomerLevelID is null then 1
else 0
end = 1