Please note version 1.92 has windows 7 / windows 2008 compatibility fixed and will be released soon, for all customers that are using windows 7, you can try winxp mode in the mean time:
Here is your query:
C#/VB.NET Code:
Select orders.OrderNumber As 'Order Number',
Orders.customerID As 'Customer ID',
ordernumbers.createdon As 'Date Ordered',
orders_shoppingcart.OrderedProductSKU 'Ordered Product Sku',
orders_shoppingcart.quantity 'Quantitiy Ordered',
orders_shoppingcart.OrderedProductPrice As 'Product Ordered Price'
From orders, ordernumbers, orders_shoppingcart
where Orders.OrderNumber = OrderNumbers.OrderNumber AND Orders.OrderNumber = Orders_ShoppingCart.Ordernumber AND OrderNumbers.createdon = XXXXXXXXX
replace the XXXXXXXX with the date you want to have. Alternatively you can go by Order Number which may be a better solution:
C#/VB.NET Code:
Select orders.OrderNumber As 'Order Number',
orders.orderID As 'Order ID'
Orders.customerID As 'Customer ID',
ordernumbers.createdon As 'Date Ordered',
orders_shoppingcart.OrderedProductSKU 'Ordered Product Sku',
orders_shoppingcart.quantity 'Quantitiy Ordered',
orders_shoppingcart.OrderedProductPrice As 'Product Ordered Price'
From orders, ordernumbers, orders_shoppingcart
where Orders.OrderNumber = OrderNumbers.OrderNumber AND Orders.OrderNumber = Orders_ShoppingCart.Ordernumber AND Orders.orderid > XXXXX
Where Order id is the range you want to pull.