I'm trying to upgrade a site that has a different navHeader for categories and manufacturers. In version 9 the option isn't there. How do i go about changing the class from navHeader to navHeader2
I'm trying to upgrade a site that has a different navHeader for categories and manufacturers. In version 9 the option isn't there. How do i go about changing the class from navHeader to navHeader2
You can specify Header, ImageHeader, and CssClass attributes on the aspdnsf:EntityControl control that creates those menus:
Code:<aspdnsf:EntityControl ID="ctrlEntityManufacturer" runat="server" ImageHeader="whateverformanufacturer" CssClass="manufacturerclass" Header="<%$ Tokens:StringResource, AppConfig.ManufacturerPromptPlural %>" EntityType="Manufacturer" MaxMenuSize="<%$ Tokens:AppConfigUSInt, MaxMenuSize %>" />Code:<aspdnsf:EntityControl ID="ctrlEntityCategory" runat="server" ImageHeader="whateverformanufacturer" CssClass="manufacturerclass" Header="<%$ Tokens:StringResource, AppConfig.CategoryPromptPlural %>" EntityType="Category" MaxMenuSize="<%$ Tokens:AppConfigUSInt, MaxMenuSize %>" />
I don't want Browse wording there. I have images for each section. It used to be I just change the class from navheader to navheader2 then clear out what the cart generates.
Just remove the Header="<%$ Tokens:StringResource, AppConfig.CategoryPromptPlural %>" and set the common.browse String Resource to an empty string.
Take a look, you will see what i'm talking about
i might suggest simply setting navHeader to display:none; then add your headers how you like them above the nav call.
That's a good work around but that just leaves more div tags, in the code. I want to be able to do it the correct. Or, that could be the right way. Who knows anymore.
I still need to know how to completely remove this line, <div class="navHeader">Browse Categories</div> from the Left Nav. Why didn't you keep it the way the Help and Info part is called?
I am working on a similar task. I need to replace the header text with a header image. I used the "ImageHeader" attribute. But it does not seem to work.
Can someone help me with this?