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Thread: Refund Reporting Problem

  1. #1
    hewittf is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2008

    Default Refund Reporting Problem

    I recently noticed that when we issue a partial refund on an order for the full amount of the order, the refund reporting appears to be showing a refund for 2x the amount of the order. For example...

    Order (#12345) was placed on 3/9 for $1700.
    A Partial Refund was then issues on 3/23 for $1700 (Generated a new order #23456 with parent order of #12345)

    Refund reporting is now showing refunds on both order (#12345 & #23456), thus doubling the reported refund amount. This can be seen on both the order reports (in the reporting section of aspdnsf) and on the Yearly Sales view of the merchant dashboard.

    We've checked (and double-checked) reporting and only a single refund was processed (which is what we would have expected). Any idea why the reporting would incorrectly indicate that these refunds have been issues twice?

    Thank you

  2. #2
    ASPAlfred is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2007


    Please send this into support. Though I didn't encounter this on my end and never heard of it existing before, but it seems to me that this is only something to do with how the data were retrieved. Will verify. thanks

  3. #3
    pligon is offline Junior Member
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    Richmond, VA

    Default Here's how I solved it

    Hope this helps someone else who does not end up at a dead end the way I did:

    A refund order has a parent order id. So, to insure I was only accumulating the total of refunds, I checked for whether or not ParentOrderNumber was Null, and only accumulated refunds if they were. Here's what I added to Admin/splash.aspx.vb:

    in method, added right before the database connection:
    Public Sub GetOrderSummary(ByVal comparedFrom As DateTime, ByVal comparedTo As DateTime, ByVal daterange As CompareDateRanges, ByVal compareTransactionType As String)

    'added to prevent refund doubling for adhoc refunds
    If transField = "RefundedOn" Then
    sql(0) &= " AND ParentOrderNumber IS NOT NULL"
    sql(1) &= " AND ParentOrderNumber IS NOT NULL"
    End If

    Using conn As SqlConnection = DB.dbConn() 'this line was already there, just to show where I added it.

    In method: Public Shared Function GetOrdersStatistic(ByVal TransactionState As String, ByVal SummaryLinesOnly As Boolean, ByVal SkinID As Integer, ByVal LocaleSetting As String) As List(Of Statistic)

    'added to prevent refund doubling for adhoc refunds
    If TranField = "RefundedOn" Then
    sqlquery.Append(" AND ParentOrderNumber IS NOT NULL")
    End If

    This had to be added to each query just before

    In method: Public Sub GetOrderSummary(ByVal orderdate As DateTime, ByVal daterange As DateRanges, ByVal displayInterval As DateIntervalTypeEnum)

    'added to prevent refund doubling for adhoc refunds
    If transField(i) = "RefundedOn" Then
    sql &= " AND ParentOrderNumber IS NOT NULL"
    End If

    again added right before:
    Using conn As SqlConnection = DB.dbConn()
    Last edited by pligon; 06-23-2010 at 01:37 PM.

  4. #4
    mbertulli is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2008



    It actually sounds like the SQL being used to create the refund report has a problem with it where it's showing the refund amount for the parent order as well as the child. Do you have SQL talent in house or do you need someone else to fix this?
    Matthew Bertulli
    Demac Media
    Custom Web Design & E-Commerce Development
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    Custom Reporting eCommerce AspDotNetStoreFront Integration

  5. #5
    bvl is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2010

    Cool same problem with EBizCharge / USA ePay processing

    I believe we're experiencing the same problem with duplicate partial credits showing-up with EBizCharge / USA ePay reports AND their batch processing (seems actual duplicate credits are issued). USA e-pay thinks it's a problem with duplicate credit transactions being sent, but I'm not convinced it is.

    Has anyone else encountered this problem with EBizCharge / USA ePay processing?

  6. #6
    lambrite is offline Senior Member
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    Jun 2007

    Default Likewise

    We see the same scenario - single refund in Authorize.Net but two REFUNDED order/transaction records in ASPDNSF. When an ad-hoc refund (partial refund) is issued for the full order amount, the transaction status of the original order is updated to Refunded in addition to creating the child order. I have only confirmed this on primary orders with a single ad-hoc refund transaction; I don't know what happens when you have two refund transactions that total the original order total.

    I had to modify my reporting to accommodate this, too. We don't use ASPDNSFs embedded reports.

  7. #7
    bvl is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2010


    If you have the source, you want to get rid of usaepay.Credit(o.AuthorizationCode) function call on line 177 of /Processors/USAePay.cs in the Gateways project. I'm not certain if this is patched yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by lambrite View Post
    We see the same scenario - single refund in Authorize.Net but two REFUNDED order/transaction records in ASPDNSF. When an ad-hoc refund (partial refund) is issued for the full order amount, the transaction status of the original order is updated to Refunded in addition to creating the child order. I have only confirmed this on primary orders with a single ad-hoc refund transaction; I don't know what happens when you have two refund transactions that total the original order total.

    I had to modify my reporting to accommodate this, too. We don't use ASPDNSFs embedded reports.