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Thread: Product Feed Generation Timeout Error

  1. #1
    Upscale_Automotive is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Question Product Feed Generation Timeout Error

    Whenever I execute a product feed, I receive a timeout error. I have edited the timeout values in web.config and machine.config and still have the issue. The feed generates a file in the images folder, but times out during the FTP process as Google only receives a partial feed file. I am using MLv8 w/o source code.

    I am also receiving timeout errors when making calls to the WSI to retrieve roughly 800+ products at a time. I have posted an independent thread on the WSI timeout in the WSI forum a few days ago and not received a response.

    I have been working with my host on this for days and have not come up with any solution. My current suspicion is that the feed and WSI applications may have some kind of timeout restriction.

    I would greatly appreciate help on this.

  2. #2
    Upscale_Automotive is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    After attempting to resolve this in many ways and working with my host for about a week, the change that seems to have solved that issue was increasing the global timeout value. Now my feeds don't have timeout issues. I do still have timeouts in the WSI though.