Here's what I did in the PhoneOrder.aspx.vb
Private Sub SetToImpersonationPageContext(ByVal CustomerID As Integer, ByVal PageName As String, ByVal UseEmptyTemplate As Boolean)
Dim IGD As String = String.Empty
Dim rs As IDataReader = DB.GetRS("Select CustomerGUID from Customer " & DB.GetNoLock() & " where deleted=0 and IsAdmin=0 and CustomerID=" & CustomerID.ToString())
If rs.Read() Then
IGD = DB.RSFieldGUID(rs, "CustomerGUID").ToString()
End If
'LDR - MOD Use session variable to hold Inside Salesperson's Name for use in checkoutreview.aspx
Session.Add("Impersonator", ThisCustomer.FirstName.ToUpper.Trim)
Dim Url As String = PageName & CommonLogic.IIF(PageName.IndexOf("?") = -1, "?", "&") & "IGD=" & IGD.ToString()
SetFramePage("ImpersonationFrame", Url)
End Sub
"I'd rather die while I'm livin' than live while I'm dead."