I've three shipping options for my customers:
- In-Store Pickup (free and available for all customers and pack sizes).
- Letter (only for small packs and available for all customers).
- Packs (available for all pack sizes, but the shipping cost is depending on zone).
FilterOutShippingMethodsThatHave0Cost value is set to true, and the rates for Letter is set to 0 for heavy packs.
1. I calculate shipping by weight, and have activated In-Store Pickup. Is it possible to combine these? The In-Store Pickup option doesn't show up in the shipping options page.
2. Is it possible to always show shipping prices including tax?
3. I've added five shipping zones and five shipping methods named Pack1, Pack2, ..., Pack5. For each shipping method I've allowed all countries, all states and one shipping zone, but in the shipping options page where the customer shall choose shipping method all the methods (Pack1, Pack2, ..., Pack5) is selectable. Why?