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Thread: Show variant name only

  1. #1
    antonsa is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Show variant name only

    we have a lot of products with variants, all variants have their own name, which is absolutely different from the product name, they belongs.
    In the orders and shopping cart i have final name like 'Product Name - Variant Name', but we need to show only 'Variant Name', because its enough to define the product for our managers. How can i do it?

  2. #2
    Jao is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    It would only take removing these lines on the ShoppingCart.cs
    public String m_ProductName;
    newItem.m_ProductName = DB.RSFieldByLocale(rs, "ProductName", m_ThisCustomer.LocaleSetting);
    However, considering that the CartItem is passed as a whole object containing this element. It would certainly affect not all that uses the CartItem object and those methods/functions which fetched the Product Name from that object. Therefore, I wouldn't personally recommend such. Unless, you extract the information by directly creating your SQL to retrieve the variant information and totally discarding the CartItem object. But again, this is not recommend...