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Thread: Pick / Packing list or add columns to receipt

  1. #1
    deepgfishing is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Pick / Packing list or add columns to receipt

    I am a newbie, but does AspDotNetStorefront come with a pick/packing list? All I can seem to locate is the receipt.

    I was thinking of storing some warehouse/bin information in the summary, misc text, or extension data fields (since from what I understand are not seen by the user) and was hoping I could add those columns to the receipt and/or packing list.

    Is the only way to modify the receipt to modify the xml package?

    Thank you for your help!

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Ashland, OR


    A lot of sites use the Bulk Printing Report as a pick list. If you open up /admin/orders.aspx.cs and look for this section, you should be able to add some more info pretty easily:

    if (BulkPrintingReport.Checked)

  3. #3
    Richnyc30 is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2009

    Default Make short version of receipt

    Is there an easy way to create a very short version of the receipt?
    I need a small label to stick on the shipping box with the name, order number, zip code, and price of shipping.
    Is the .cs file the only way to get at the data?
    I want to print this out on a small label printer.

  4. #4
    Rob is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Most businesses doing a reasonable volume of orders end up using a shipping client program. A few of these would be:

    UPS WorldShip
    USPS Endicia
    FedEx Shipping Mgr
    Stone Edge Order Mgr

    all of which can integrate and pull data to/from the orders database of AspDotNetStorefront and poke back tracking #'s, shipping status, shipping method/date/etc...

    If you have to bulk do these via other systems, you can also use our Web Services Automation Interface (WSI) which allows you to potentially do this for hundreds/thousands orders/day with your fulfillment system.
    Shopping Cart

  5. #5
    Razorsoft/Kellersys is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Shipping Directly from ASPDotNetStorefront

    Give me a call we have a Shipping SDK that we have integrated into ASPDotNetStorefront and previously Interprise Suite allowing for much more advanced rating with mixed rates between rt and shipping rules, upcharges, etc. Plus labeling, Address Correction, Automatic Residential Flag assignment, and Cartonization based on product dimensions allowing for a much more accurate shipping quote.

    You can see the SDK in action at - Simple Sales Order Process. - Advanced Pick and Pack – One Click Demo

    I'm going to be accepting ASPDotNetStorefront customers for a beta period which over the next 30 days with the beta being released in Mar.

    Best Regards,
    Richard Keller
    Keller Systems International / Razorsoft LLC
    18800 Delaware Ave, Suite 650
    Huntington Beach, CA 92648

    Direct: 949-285-0770