I cannot figure this out for the life of me, and the form example from the manual does NOT work.
I cannot figure this out for the life of me, and the form example from the manual does NOT work.
hi -
i think you can just change the reference in your template in the search section to the searchadv.aspx
Someone from Vortx should be able to answer this, right?
If you have the source code then this should work but back up the file first as its a source code change.
In ASPDNSFControls/Search.cs class, Search() method, and change the landing page to this.LandingPage = "searchadv.aspx".
That is of course if you want to replace the basic search with advanced. Otherwise to just use it is just /searchadv.aspx after the sites url.
For the out-of-the-box app_templates\skin_1\template.master file you can modify the call to the search control from this:
to this:Code:<aspdnsf:Search ID="ctrlSearch" runat="server" CssClass="search" SearchButtonCaption="Go" SearchCaption="<%$ Tokens: StringResource, common.cs.82 %>" SearchTextMinLength="<%$ Tokens:AppConfigUSInt, MinSearchStringLength %>" SearchTextMinLengthInvalidErrorMessage="<%$ Tokens: StringResource, search.aspx.2 %>" ValidateInputLength="true" ShowValidationMessageBox="true" ShowValidationSummary="false" />
Note theCode:<aspdnsf:Search ID="ctrlSearch" runat="server" CssClass="search" SearchButtonCaption="Go" SearchCaption="<%$ Tokens: StringResource, common.cs.82 %>" SearchTextMinLength="<%$ Tokens:AppConfigUSInt, MinSearchStringLength %>" SearchTextMinLengthInvalidErrorMessage="<%$ Tokens: StringResource, search.aspx.2 %>" ValidateInputLength="true" ShowValidationMessageBox="true" ShowValidationSummary="false" LandingPage="searchadv.aspx" />at the end.Code:LandingPage="searchadv.aspx"
Using MS with the following customisations:
Lightbox/Fancybox enlarged images;
Auto-suggest searchbox;
Extra product information shown only to our IP Address (such as supplier info, costs, etc.);
Failed transactions emailed via trigger;
Custom app to show basket contents when customer online;
Orders pushed through to accounting systems.
All the above without source!
I don't understand something... The search advanced is working now, however, even though I have ShowPics in the XML package set to 1, when search from the top search bar, images do NOT show. But when I search from the searchadv.aspx page, images DO show. Why is that?