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Thread: Tips needed to set up Paypal Pro UK.

  1. #1
    nicbe is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Tips needed to set up Paypal Pro UK.

    Has anyone had any success setting up Paypal Pro in a UK ASPdNSF site?
    The documentation all seems to hint at it being easy for US sites but extremely complex for the UK?

    I'm can't get this to work and all info would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    ASPDNSF Staff - Jon's Avatar
    ASPDNSF Staff - Jon is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    In the Configuration Wizard, you want to select "PayPal Payflow Pro" as your Payment Gateway. WPP UK is a bundled product, consisting of Payflow Pro and Express Checkout.

    There are four AppConfigs that you'll need to setup:
    • PayFlowPro.Partner
    • PayFlowPro.Vendor (aka Merchant Login)
    • PayFlowPro.User
    • PayFlowPro.Pwd

    These are the same values you'd enter at to access your account online.
    Jon Wolthuis

  3. #3
    nicbe is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Paypal verisign payflow paypalpro website payments pro Uk - confusion

    I'm getting a lot of conflicting information from several respected sources.

    So can someone please explain to me once and for all the difference between the Paypal 'payment gateways' and what I need to set up for each.

    (And I don't mean the standard/regular manual variety.)

    Thank you.