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Thread: WSI and MultiImge

  1. #1
    Kirk48906 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default WSI and MultiImge

    I am unable to use Base64 encoding for multiple images in my WSI transactions and we want to use multiple view of the same product.

    Is there a way to specify a file name for each alternate image view, and if so where do you put the images if the website's file name structure?

  2. #2
    vedran is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    There is a way to add images manually, but it is slow.

    I have compelte code that shows how to add Multiimages in WSI.

    Code is in C# and I will post a segment that shows how it is being done.

    I dont have source on me, but on Monday I will post it.

  3. #3
    Kirk48906 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Any chance you can post the code?

  4. #4
    Kirk48906 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Does anyone know how to use WSI to set the multi-image file name to a specific location like you can for image file name override?
    We have 30,000 base images, then with all the other images we'd have one directory location with 100,000+ file in it.

    Seems a bit crazy that the multi image file name doesn't follow the path of the image file name override and just look for the images there in the _?_color.jpg format automatically,
    but it doesn't. And I cannot find a way to simply tell the file name location via a WSI transaction. Seems it requires an image upload, or the images to already be named with the productid_x_color format.
    If we did that it would be a crazy mess to maintain with everything tossed into one directory.

    Anyone tackled this problem with an automated process?