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Thread: C# 3.0/ 3.5/SQL 2005+

  1. #1
    Rob is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default C# 3.0/ 3.5/SQL 2005+

    We will be moving to VS.NET 2008/C# 3.0/.net 3.5/SQL2005/SQL2008 with in the ML v7.1 release, ML/DNN v7.1 release, and IS SP4 release.

    For now, use VS.NET 2005. SQL 2000/2005 is also fine now. Beginning in ML v7.1, SQL 2005 will be required at a min


    ML v7.0.x.x: VS.NET 2005, C# 2.0, .net 2.0/3.0, SQL 2000/2005
    ML/DNN v7.0.x.x: : VS.NET 2005, C# 2.0, .net 2.0/3.0, SQL 2000/2005
    IS SP3: : VS.NET 2005, C# 2.0, .net 2.0/3.0, SQL 2000/2005

    ML v7.1.x.x: VS.NET 2008, C# 3.0, .net 3.5, SQL 2005/2008
    ML/DNN v7.1.x.x: VS.NET 2008, C# 3.0, .net 3.5, SQL 2005/2008
    IS SP4: VS.NET 2008, C# 3.0, .net 3.5, SQL 2005/2008

    Versions (with source) will still be available in VB.NET also of course.

    More migration information & platform planning information to be posted here in the next few weeks.

    PS. Don't ask us for release ETA's just yet This is just for your longer term planning/client advice purposes.
    Last edited by ASPDNSF Staff - Andrew; 02-07-2008 at 10:13 AM.
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  2. #2
    Alkaline is offline Senior Member
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    May 2006


    will this run natively in 64-BIT Mode of IIS?

  3. #3
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2004


    64 bit version of ML is in planning stages now yes. No hard ETA just yet, but it shouldn't be that far out.
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  4. #4
    Sean is offline Member
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    Jan 2006


    Would we be able to run the 32 bit version of ML under a 64 bit Windows (to take advantage of larger RAM)...or would there be possible problems?

    If I may ask ( ) what would you be able to guess, solidly, the month that the 64 bit ML will be avilable and just as importantly perhaps, what version will it be in when initially released?

    When you do begin to release the 64 version of ML, will the releases be made concurrently with the current stages of version progression along with the 32 bit ML, or will there be a "waiting period" after a 32 bit version is out? (I hope I made sense there...its just really late!!)

    EDIT: I just realized the "Don't ask us for release ETA's just yet" on the top post........MY BAD.

    Last edited by Sean; 01-15-2008 at 10:39 PM.
    /// Sean ///

  5. #5
    Rob is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    RE: Would we be able to run the 32 bit version of ML under a 64 bit Windows (to take advantage of larger RAM)...or would there be possible problems?

    ** no, there probably will be a special build under 64 bit. even though .net supports both (theoretically) we are finding out that we need changes to fully take advantage of 64 bit in the code.

    RE: If I may ask ( ) what would you be able to guess, solidly, the month that the 64 bit ML will be avilable and just as importantly perhaps, what version will it be in when initially released?

    ** nada

    RE: When you do begin to release the 64 version of ML, will the releases be made concurrently with the current stages of version progression along with the 32 bit ML, or will there be a "waiting period" after a 32 bit version is out? (I hope I made sense there...its just really late!!)

    ** if we do it right, 32bit and 64 bit should be released concurrently in the future

    RE: I just realized the "Don't ask us for release ETA's just yet" on the top post........MY BAD.

    ** no worries and no comment
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  6. #6
    Rob is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    See separate ML/64 threads/announcements now also.
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