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Thread: AspDotNetStorefront Partners with buySAFE offering buySAFE Trust Solution

  1. #1
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2004

    Default AspDotNetStorefront Partners with buySAFE offering buySAFE Trust Solution


    ARLINGTON, VA – Nov. 27, 2007 -- buySAFE, Inc. (, the leading trust and safety company for e-commerce transactions, today announced that it has partnered with AspDotNetStorefront ( to make buySAFE available to thousands of merchants using AspDotNetStorefront’s e-commerce platform. Under the terms of the partnership, both AspDotNetStorefront’s merchant customers and its developer community will benefit from buySAFE immediately. buySAFE will be available as an embedded feature that can be activated by merchant customers from the AspDotNetStorefront administration screen. Using the same method, developers that support AspDotNetStorefront can enable buySAFE for their clients as well.

    Merchants using AspDotNetStorefront will be able to apply for buySAFE’s Trust Solution and add this feature to their retail websites in minutes – with a special introductory offer exclusively for AspDotNetStorefront users. In addition, the extensive AspDotNetStorefront developer community can easily enable buySAFE in their clients’ online stores. Approved merchants will display the buySAFE Seal, which provides the only explicit, third-party endorsement of a merchant’s trustworthiness and reliability. The buySAFE Seal also indicates that the merchant is continually monitored, and that its customers’ purchases can be fully guaranteed with a bond from buySAFE and its surety partners Liberty Mutual, Travelers and ACE USA.

    for full press release:

    Also, we are now asking for BETA users to sign-up for the buySAFE program.

    For more information on buySAFE and AspDotNetStorefront, including features/benefits, etc...visit:

    For sign-up to be a buySAFE/AspDotNetStorefront BETA, contact:

    Lara Wright
    Manager of Account Services
    buySAFE, Inc.
    (703) 778-4445 ext. 140


    Looking for beta testers for buySAFE with AspDotNetStorefront!

    We’re pleased to announce the upcoming beta test of the buySAFE with AspDotNetStorefront. As you may know, we have recently teamed up with buySAFE — the leading trust and safety company for e-commerce transactions ( — to offer AspDotNetStorefront merchants a powerful new tool for increasing website conversion and driving additional revenue.

    With buySAFE, you can expect:

    * Increased website conversion rates – 6.7% average increase
    * More repeat buyers – 4.3% more likely to buy again and again
    * Greater profits – more carts started and fewer carts abandoned add up to more profits for you! Best of all,
    * buySAFE is FREE for merchants – there are no hidden fees, no risk, and no long-term commitments!

    Learn more about buySAFE at

    Special Offer for AspDotNetStorefront Merchants

    Be one of the first 20 AspDotNetStorefront merchants to install buySAFE in your online store, and buySAFE will cover your hosting bill for the next TWO months – up to $250! It’s first come, first serve to take advantage of this offer! There are limited spots available in the beta test, so you’ll need to act fast.

    Here are the simple steps to become a beta tester

    1. Visit and learn more about buySAFE
    2. Click “Apply Now” and complete the short buySAFE Merchant application (it’ll take about 10 minutes). Be sure to choose “aspdotnetstorefront” as your checkout provider.
    3. Once approved, you’ll be contacted by buySAFE’s Manager of Account Services who will work with you to set up your store with buySAFE and you’ll off and running.

    Offer Details

    Eligible merchants must do at least $1,000 a month in online sales and have sold online for at least 3 months. Merchants must be approved and install buySAFE on their website to receive this special promotion. Simply email or fax buySAFE a recent hosting bill and you will be mailed a check for reimbursement, up to $250.


    What is buySAFE?

    buySAFE provides the Internet’s only explicit third-party endorsement of a merchant’s reliability and trustworthiness backed by a willingness to back the transaction with a bond guarantee. buySAFE Merchants benefit from the increase in shopper trust via greater conversion of shoppers to buyers, which means more revenue – and profits.

    How does buySAFE work?

    Approved buySAFE merchants display the buySAFE Seal on their websites—the only seal that explicitly certifies that an online merchant is reliable and trustworthy. The buySAFE bond guarantee at checkout, provides shoppers with the option to fully guarantee their online purchase with a buySAFE bond. Together, this powerful combination makes shoppers feel safer and more confident and, therefore, more likely to buy from you.

    Who is buySAFE?

    buySAFE is the leading e-commerce trust and safety company. We are partnered with some of the most trusted companies in the world—Liberty Mutual®, Travelers® and ACE USA® —and we are a proven solution. buySAFE has guaranteed more than 13 million online transactions, and buySAFE merchants sold more than $1 billion in goods online in 2006.

    Learn more about the buySAFE solution for merchants at

    To be a beta user, you must be running ML v7.0.2.5 which now includes the buySAFE logic (or you must update to that version).
    Last edited by AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott; 02-19-2008 at 12:49 PM.
    Shopping Cart

  2. #2
    Wescotools is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Just implemented BuySAFE on our ASPDNSF sites. Working Great!!

    Check it out.

  3. #3
    RobbieB is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Did you choose buyers choice or max impact? Either way it's not free to the merchant but the buyer choice is cheap.