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Thread: Debit Cards

  1. #1
    supergriff is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Debit Cards

    What needs to be configured within the admin in order to accept Debit cards?

    I have added the card types as explained in this thread:

    Delta, Maestro, Solo, VisaElectron.

    I've also set ShowCardStartDateFields to true in app config.

    However, when I go to checkout on the public site I can only see a credit card radio button & the default credit card graphics. The card types I added are in the drop down though. Should there be a debit card button & associated graphics? Do I need to do some customisation?

    What about when you add PayPal as a payment option do you get a radio button for that?


  2. #2
    msprague is offline Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    You can create a new graphic with the card logos you want displayed by overwriting the image for your skins (/skins/skin_1/images/creditcards.jpg). Paypal would be its own radio button, but debit cards are handled with the credit card radio button.
    / michael sprague /