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Thread: Using Protx

  1. #1
    supergriff is offline Senior Member
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    Default Using Protx

    I'm in the process of setting up my store to work with the Protx payment gateway and there are several things I'm not clear on:

    Simulation / Test
    - what is the difference between these settings? Which should I be using to test my store? (I currently have the store set to 'test' in the config wizard, and ProtX.UseSimulator set to true in app config

    "The card was not accepted. Please try again" Message
    - Ive been trying to test transactions today, but kept getting this meesage. I have literally just recieved an email from Protx saying my merchant number is incorrect, I'm assuming this would be why my transactions aren't being accepted. Is it possible to test / simulate with an incorrect merchant number?

    3D Secure verification
    - To turn this 'on' do you just have to add card type id's to the '3DSecure.CreditCardTypeIDs' app config variable? Does this take care of all 3Dsecure settings?
    - While waiting for my payment gateway (protx) to enable this (it takes them 14 days apparently), should I ensure that 3DSecure.CreditCardTypeIDs is empty (so it doesnt try to do the 3Dsecure verification?
    - Is the latest version of ML using v2.22 of the Protx Protocol. Protx need me to confirm this in order to set 3D secure up. (the ML version I have is

    Other Questions
    - When you do a refund in the storefront admin, does that automatically feed through to protx and do the real refund?
    - Which credit / debit cards can i NOT accept in UK?
    - As well as 3D secure, am I legally required to have any other authentication methods on my site? (I've seen VBV and AVS/CV2 mentioned?)


  2. #2
    msprague is offline Member
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    Simulation / Test
    - what is the difference between these settings? Which should I be using to test my store? (I currently have the store set to 'test' in the config wizard, and ProtX.UseSimulator set to true in app config
    UseLiveTransactions=false, ProtX.UseSimulator=true
    The VSP Simulator login can be found at:
    From Protx: "The VSP Simulator is an expert system that emulates the VSP Direct system and allows you to develop your site to correctly send and process the messages exchanged between your site and ours."

    UseLiveTransactions=false, ProtX.UseSimulator=false
    The Test Server VSP Admin can be found at:
    From Protx: "The Test Server is an exact copy of the Live System but without the banks attached. This means you get a true user experience but without the fear of any money being taken from your cards during testing."

    UseLiveTransactions=true, ProtX.UseSimulator=false
    The Live Server VSP Admin can be found at

    "The card was not accepted. Please try again" Message
    - Ive been trying to test transactions today, but kept getting this meesage. I have literally just recieved an email from Protx saying my merchant number is incorrect, I'm assuming this would be why my transactions aren't being accepted. Is it possible to test / simulate with an incorrect merchant number?
    For failed checkout attempts which result in the "The card was not accepted. Please try again" message being displayed you can login to your store's Admin site and select Orders > Failed Transactions from the menu to see the actual error message being returned from Protx. You should be able to use the Simulator without a valid merchant account number configured in your Protx profile, but I'm not sure of you can use the Test Server without that.

    3D Secure verification
    - To turn this 'on' do you just have to add card type id's to the '3DSecure.CreditCardTypeIDs' app config variable? Does this take care of all 3Dsecure settings?
    - While waiting for my payment gateway (protx) to enable this (it takes them 14 days apparently), should I ensure that 3DSecure.CreditCardTypeIDs is empty (so it doesnt try to do the 3Dsecure verification?
    - Is the latest version of ML using v2.22 of the Protx Protocol. Protx need me to confirm this in order to set 3D secure up. (the ML version I have is
    For 3D Secure, you need to make sure your Protx account is setup for 3D Secure handling. You can initiate the 3D Secure lookup from the store side by using the AppConfig 3DSecure.CreditCardTypeIDs, or you may create a transaction 'rule' in your Protx admin for 3D Secure checks and the store will obey that request from Protx. If your payment gateway has not enabled 3D Secure yet, then you should leave 3DSecure.CreditCardTypeIDs empty until it is enabled. Protocol version 2.22 is being used.

    Other Questions
    - When you do a refund in the storefront admin, does that automatically feed through to protx and do the real refund?
    - Which credit / debit cards can i NOT accept in UK?
    - As well as 3D secure, am I legally required to have any other authentication methods on my site? (I've seen VBV and AVS/CV2 mentioned?)
    The following store admin operations are sent to Protx:
    Capture = RELEASE transaction (store must be in AUTH TransactionMode)
    Void = ABORT transaction
    Refund = REFUND transaction

    The cards you cannot accept will depend on your payment processor and what you have configured in Protx.

    I can't answer the legal requirements, but VBV is 3D Secure for Visa (SecureCode is 3D Secure for MasterCard). The storefront supports AVS and CV2 also and if you want to use those you will have to make sure that your Protx account has the correct 'rules' defined, somone else might be able to give more detail on that.
    / michael sprague /

  3. #3
    DotNetDevelopments is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks for that information... helped us out perfectly!

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  4. #4
    DotNetDevelopments is offline Senior Member
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    I have been doing some test transactions and they have been going through to my VSP Simulator account perfectly but I have noticed that at the bottom under Fraud Screening Information it says - Checks Performed By: Merchant's own system.

    Is this just because Gateway Mode is set to TEST or is it part of the VSP Simulator account? Obviously when I go live I'm hoping that Protx will be checking the Fraud Screening Information !

    Thanks.. Adam
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  5. #5
    DotNetDevelopments is offline Senior Member
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    I am using the following settings as I have moved on from a simulator account to a proper test account with Protx

    UseLiveTransactions=false, ProtX.UseSimulator=false

    But when I attempt to process a card using their supplied card details I get:

    The card was not accepted. Please try again

    and on the Protx VSP Admin:

    INVALID - 4006 : The TxType requested is not supported on this account. The value was DEFERRED.

    Any ideas?
    Version (Code/DB): AspDotNetStorefront MSx
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    Dot Net Developments - E-commerce By Experience

  6. #6
    DotNetDevelopments is offline Senior Member
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    ** FIXED IT **

    Needed to email and get them to enable DEFERRED, AUTHENTICATE and AUTHORISED on my account.
    Version (Code/DB): AspDotNetStorefront MSx
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    Dot Net Developments - E-commerce By Experience

  7. #7
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    rate up on this thread please

    Scott, let's make sure this step is in the manual for Protx setup
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