Originally Posted by
Lynn Jebbia
I won't be batch exporting from aspdnsf. This will do a connection directly from worldship to my database. Right?
Correct. This procedure allows you to import order information one-by-one into WorldShip.
Originally Posted by
Lynn Jebbia
Can I also have the item numbers ordered in the mapping?
I don't know.
Originally Posted by
Lynn Jebbia
What procedure do I follow to export tracking numbers from worldship to get them back into aspdnsf?
To export tracking numbers from WorldShop into ADNSF, a few steps must be taken:
Create a new table inside your ADNSF database:
create table dbo.TrackingNumber(OrderNumber varchar(50) null, ShippingTrackingNumber varchar(50) null, ShippedVIA varchar(50) null)
Add an insert trigger to this table:
create trigger dbo.on_Insert on dbo.TrackingNumber
instead of insert as
update Orders
set ShippingTrackingNumber = i.ShippingTrackingNumber,
ShippedVIA = replace(i.ShippedVIA, 'Ground Service', 'UPS Ground')
from inserted i
where Orders.OrderNumber = i.OrderNumber
Within WorldShip, create en export map:
- Select UPS Online Connect > Create / Edit Map...
- In the "New Map" section, select "Export Data from WorldShip"
- In the Name textbox, enter "TrackingNumbers", then click Create.
- Under Select an ODBC Source, select "Web_Orders", enter an ID and password for your SQL Server, then click OK.
- In the Edit Web_Orders export map window, set-up the following mappings using the Connect button:
ShipmentInformation::ServiceType <--> TrackingNumber::ShippedVIA
Package::TrackingNumber <--> TrackingNumber::ShippingTrackingNumber
Package::Reference 1 <--> TrackingNumber::OrderNumber
To enable the export:
- Select UPS Online Connect > Automatic Export After Processing Shipment > TrackingNumbers
- Now, each time you process a shipment, the tracking number will be exported to ADNSF.
- You must still send a confirmation email, however. On Admin > Orders, after you capture the credit card funds, you must click "Mark As Shipped", which will dispatch a shipment confirmation email to the customer.
Originally Posted by
Lynn Jebbia
Do we immediately import these tracking numbers into aspdnsf or do we wait until they are actually shipped?
The export from WorldShip to ADNSF occurs each time your print a shipping label. One tracking number is exported at a time. However, the export operation doesn't mark the shipment as "Shipped". You must do that from Admin > Orders.