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Thread: PayPal "PayLater" Support Now Available

  1. #1
    Rob is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default PayPal "PayLater" Support Now Available

    PayPal Pay Later Now Supported By AspDotNetStorefront

    We are pleased to have worked closely with PayPal to be the first e-commerce platform to fully support PayPal Pay Later, which can dramatically increase sales from e-commerce sites in many situations.

    Rocky River, OH - Sept 26, 2007 – AspDotNetStorefront is excited to announce the addition of the PayPal Pay Later feature to our e-commerce shopping cart platform. The availability of this feature gives e-commerce sites new and powerful ways to market to online shoppers and can help them to increase sales. PayPal Pay Later offers features which were previously unavailable to AspDotNetStorefront customers to help maximize customer conversion.

    Enable customers to stay safer with comprehensive purchase protection.

     Extended buyer protection from PayPal.
     Zero liability for buyers from unauthorized purchases made with their credit accounts.

    Enjoy convenience and flexibility.

     Instant credit availability with one simple application.
     Online account management and payment options.

    Save money with an exclusive benefits package.

     Special payment plans, promotions, and more.

    “We are pleased to have worked closely with PayPal to add this significant new payment option for merchants, to help them maximize sales from their storefronts,” said Robert Anderson, President of AspDotNetStorefront. “Having this option to pay later immediately available to consumers in the shopping cart checkout process is vital to leveraging the increased opportunities this offers.”

    “We are excited to work with AspDotNetStorefront to offer PayPal Pay Later to the thousands of merchants that rely on its shopping cart services,” said Gene Alston, business development director at PayPal. “Now, businesses of all sizes can offer transactional credit to their customers just like the largest e-commerce sites on the Web -- and they can do so by working with their established shopping cart partner.”
    Last edited by Rob; 01-23-2008 at 02:18 PM.

  2. #2
    estephen is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Can you please elaborate on what the support from within ASPDNSF means? Are there settings that need to be enabled, or is it just a matter of a user checking out with PayPal Checkout and setting up a credit account with PayPal? Are there any implications to the storefront, or does PayPal pay 100% of the transaction to the store up front - case closed?


  3. #3
    Rob is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Contact Matt Watts at Paypal

    mwatts @

    ALL signups have to go through PayPal (via Matt) for now. There will be a more automated sign-up later i'm told.

    Merchants must be pre-approved, vetted, and meet other criteria which Matt can get to you. We have support in the product now so it all works, if you are properly approved by PayPal.
    Last edited by Rob; 09-25-2007 at 06:50 PM.