We often get asked: "how can I hide the breadcrumb on the home page".
it's often not needed there, as it would only say "Home", so here is one way to do it. There are other ways of course, but this way demonstrates how you can tie into the control structure of the skin, by using runat="server" and understanding that the code behind for a skin is /app_code/templatebase.cs
So, first, change your skin to add runat=server around the breadcrumb:
<div runat="server" id="breadcrumb">Now In: (!SECTION_TITLE!)</div>
then add this to templatebase.cs at the end of the Page_Load event
if(AppLogic.AppConfigBool("HideBreadcrumbOnHomePage") && CommonLogic.GetThisPageName(false).ToLowerInvariant() == "default.aspx")
System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlContainerControl bcrumb = (HtmlContainerControl)Page.FindControl("breadcrumb");
if (bcrumb != null)
bcrumb.Visible = false;
We made it appconfig controlled also, but you don't have to. That's it, Set that appconfig true, and it now hides the breadcrumb on the home page. No need to make a separate template for the home page now just to hide the breadcrumb.
Hope this tip is helpful.