if not exists(select*from [dbo].AppConfig WHERE Name='UseImageResize') begin
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'UseImageResize','IMAGERESIZE','Determines whether image resizing will be used. This can be overridden in any of the size configs through use of the attribute resize (i.e resize:false;).','true')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'ProductImg_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the product icon image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:150;height:150;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'ProductImg_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the product medium image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:250;height:250;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'ProductImg_large','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the product large image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), croph(left,right, or center), largecreates(true or false), and largeoverwrites(true or false). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:500;height:500;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'ProductImg_swatch','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the product swatch image if uploaded manually. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:150;height:50;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'VariantImg_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the variant icon image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:150;height:150;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'VariantImg_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the variant medium image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:250;height:250;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'VariantImg_large','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the variant large image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center), largecreates(true or false), and largeoverwrites(true or false). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:500;height:500;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'CategoryImg_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the category icon image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:150;height:150;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'CategoryImg_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the category medium image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:250;height:250;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'CategoryImg_large','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the category large image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), croph(left,right, or center), largecreates(true or false), and largeoverwrites(true or false). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:500;height:500;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'ManufacturerImg_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the manufacturer icon image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:150;height:150;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'ManufacturerImg_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the manufacturer medium image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:250;height:250;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'ManufacturerImg_large','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the manufacturer large image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), croph(left,right, or center), largecreates(true or false), and largeoverwrites(true or false). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:500;height:500;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'SectionImg_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the department icon image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:150;height:150;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'SectionImg_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the department medium image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:250;height:250;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'SectionImg_large','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the department large image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), croph(left,right, or center), largecreates(true or false), and largeoverwrites(true or false). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:500;height:500;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DistributorImg_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the distributor icon image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:150;height:150;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DistributorImg_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the distributor medium image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:250;height:250;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DistributorImg_large','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the distributor large image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), croph(left,right, or center), largecreates(true or false), and largeoverwrites(true or false). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:500;height:500;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'LargeCreatesOthers','IMAGERESIZE','Determines whether an uploaded large image will create the icon and medium images. This value can be over written in each of the size-configs through use of the attribute largecreates (i.e. largecreates:false;).','true')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'LargeOverwritesOthers','IMAGERESIZE','Determines whether an uploaded large image will create AND overwrite existing icon and medium images. This value can be over written in each of the size-configs through use of the attribute largeoverwrites (i.e. largeoverwrites:false;).','true')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultCrop','IMAGERESIZE','true or false. You can leave the crop attribute out of all size-configs and cropping will be determined according to this value. If you use the crop attribute in the other appconfigs (i.e crop:false;) it will take precedence over this value. This value should NOT be left blank.','true')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultCropVertical','IMAGERESIZE','top, bottom, or middle. The vertical anchor point when cropping will default to this unless otherwise specified in the size-configs (i.e cropv:top).','middle')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultCropHorizontal','IMAGERESIZE','left, right, or center. The horizontal anchor point when cropping will default to this unless otherwise specified in the size-configs (i.e croph:left).','center')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultFillColor','IMAGERESIZE','Default fill color to be used if fill attribute is left out of the other size-configs (i.e fill:#00FF00;).','#FFFFFF')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultQuality','IMAGERESIZE','Default quality if quality attribute is not used in other size-configs (i.e. quality:75;).','100')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultStretch','IMAGERESIZE','Default stretch value if stretch attribute is not specified in other size-configs (i.e. stretch:false). Stretch is the value that determines whether a smaller, uploaded image will stretch to fill a largeer, resized destination image.','true')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultWidth_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Default width of an icon image if no width attribute is specified in the other size-configs (i.e. width:50;). This value should NOT be left blank.','150')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultHeight_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Default height of an icon image if no width attribute is specified in the other size-configs (i.e. width:50;). This value should NOT be left blank.','150')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultWidth_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Default width of a medium image if no width attribute is specified in the other size-configs (i.e. width:50;). This value should NOT be left blank.','250')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultHeight_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Default height of a medium image if no width attribute is specified in the other size-configs (i.e. width:50;). This value should NOT be left blank.','250')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultWidth_large','IMAGERESIZE','Default width of a large image if no width attribute is specified in the other size-configs (i.e. width:50;). This value should NOT be left blank.','500')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultHeight_large','IMAGERESIZE','Default height of a large image if no width attribute is specified in the other size-configs (i.e. width:50;). This value should NOT be left blank.','500')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'MultiColorMakesSwatchAndMap','IMAGERESIZE','If true, when uploading images in the medium multi-image manager the store will create a single swatch image that is composed of all of your images. The width and height specified in SwatchStyleAuto are the width and height for each smaller portion of the swatch image and they will be joined into 1 image that is width x number of colors wide and height high. This will also create the swatch map code for you and insert it into the database.','false')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'MultiMakesMicros','IMAGERESIZE','If true this will create micro images resized by the width and height specified in MicroStyle and will save them in the images/product/micro folder whenever you are uploading multiple images in the medium multi-image manager. If a product has multi-images and UseImagesForMultiNav is true then images will be shown instead of the number icons.','true')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'MicroStyle','IMAGERESIZE','Attributes used for MultiMakesMicros. The cols colspacing, and rowspacing attributes are used to determine how many images can appear in each row and how much space (in pixels) is between each image while the width and height determine the resized micro height.','width:40;height:40;cols:5;colspacing:5;rowspacing:5;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'SwatchStyleAuto','IMAGERESIZE','Attributes used for MultiColorMakesSwatchAndMap. Valid attributes are width, and height.','width:25;height:25;')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'UseImagesForMultiNav','IMAGERESIZE','If true micro images will be used instead of the number icons when multiple images exist in the multi-image manager.','false')
INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'UseRolloverForMultiNav','IMAGERESIZE','If true and UseImagesForMultiNav is true then the medium image will change when you rollover the micro images instead of when you click on them.','false')