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Thread: Auto Image Resizing Released

  1. #1
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    Default Auto Image Resizing Released

    For the image resize, I have some good news for you guys. I can pass out a limited number of beta versions to licensed customers with or C# on the condition that all of you habitual code-breakers direct any issues, feedback, or requests to the forums (here) or to me directly, instead of to support. Any issues regarding the image resize sent to support will be ignored for the time being. If I get a VB version I'll make an update to this post. Here is a list of the features:


    – Can set values for width and height of icon, medium, large, and swatch (for product) images

    – Resizes images uploaded through the new product manager for: Products (single and multi), Categories, Manufacturers, Distributors, Departments/Sections

    – Can use cropping if aspect ratio of uploaded image is different than the width and height settings

    – Can set anchor points for cropping so that desired portions are cropped or it can be centered and all sides can be cropped if the uploaded image is larger than the specified width and height

    – Can set a background color for the image if cropping is not being used so that it fits with site color scheme

    – Can choose from 4 qualities of uploaded images: BEST [100%], HIGH [80%], MEDIUM [50%], LOW [30%]

    – All settings pertaining to the image resize are accessed via the AppConfig Parameters section


    - It does not work if uploading images using the older product manager (Products -> Edit Products)...only with the new product manager (Products -> Product Manager)

    - Currently it does not work with 'UseSKUForProductImageName' set to 'true' in the appconfigs

    If anyone is interested please PM me or send an email to with your order number, as I have to verify a valid copy of the store.

  2. #2
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    I will be working on the maxium file size over the next couple weeks. I will also probably create a maximum pixel size for the sizing values that can be set in the appconfig parameters to keep users from entering in ridiculous resize values (like 2500 x 2500).

    I'll also be setting it up so that if you upload the large image first, it will automatically resize and create the images for medium and icon as well. If images already exist for medium and icon they won't be created or overwritten, but if they do not exist it will create them and hopefully save users some time.

    Any other feature suggestions or issues are still welcome ...please feel free to add them all here.

  3. #3
    fsantos is offline Senior Member
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    I really love that idea about uploading first the large file and get the other smaller ones from that.

    Is this something that will make it on the 7.1 release or even before it?

    We are almost ready for our store release and I can't wait to have these new things because it will speed up our deployment.


  4. #4
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    I plan on having it ready within the next week or two. If all goes well it should make it into the production-ready build as long as beta testing goes well. I may also pass out a couple beta tests of this feature provided we aren't too close to go time for

  5. #5
    fsantos is offline Senior Member
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    Here is a tip that I have noticed when resizing pictures (and that maybe you wanna try with your resize process):

    - when you are shrinking a picture, in case it is just 256 colors, first add color depth to 16 or 24 bit. Then shrink it, and revert back to 256 colors after it is smaller.

    This will give you much better results than if you shrink it only at 256 colors.

    Try for yourself with any of your picture handling programs (yes, even with the good and expensive ones! )


  6. #6
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    If I'm not mistaken we already are. Using 'PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb' when we are resizing the image. Have you noticed any qualtiy degredation when using it?

  7. #7
    fsantos is offline Senior Member
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    So far, the tests I've done, all did great. Actually I thought that I was testing with 24bit images, and I just realized they were just 8 bit. It looks like your resizing is working very nicely!


  8. #8
    flemming is offline Junior Member
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    Sounds like a massive improvement. Have built something for ourselves using a 3rd party component, but will seriously consider including my image handling tasks here instead.
    Couple of questions and/or input:
    1. Source file formats for upload. JPEG only?
    2. Max colordepth. Will 32bit be supported?
    3. Option to select output dpi
    4. Option to store copy of original source file. Thus, our customer or partner could be offered access to a high-res image for print production.
    5. Any news about projected release or vb-version beta?

    Kind regards and Good luck!

  9. #9
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    Very good requests Right now it supports all of the same image formats that the store normally does, which include gif, x-png, png, jpg, jpeg, and pjpeg.

    Color depth is something that I didn't really think of, it seems like something that only some advanced photo editors would use or be concerned with. I might be able to create an appconfig and then base it off that, but I'll have to take a look. If not I can direct those who wish to change it to it's location in the code (it's only in one place).

    DPI output is a little should start with the highest DPI that you have to offer...and if you need a lower quality then you can set the quality in the appconfigs. I think this is also related to the originals question, which I definitely think that I'll set up. I'll also be creating a max file size appconfig that can be set by the admin...but everyone will have to remember that too large a file size can timeout and cause ridiculous loading times on the front end (something that we can't be responsible for).

    Still not sure of a timeframe for integration into a production release...but I will be making all adjustments to the code for the image resize (feature requests, etc...) this weekend and I will be making the conversion to VB for those with 7007VB who want to try it out. Any other feature requests should be posted before this weekend. I'll make a final post of features I plan to add in on Thursday the 29th, and if anyone sees anything that I've missed or that they would like to see make sure to let me know before the weekend.

    Thanks everyone for your feedback and suggestions

  10. #10
    Eddie is offline Member
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    2 things

    i don't think setting output dpi would matter because the image is being output to screen and therefore it will always be 72 dpi (with the dimensions scale accordingly). therefore the code used for resizing does not (or would even want to) make inches a part of its calculations.

    in regards to color depth and resizing i think the problem (at least in photoshop havent tested in on gimp) only occurs when you resize an indexed (instead of one using a wider colorspace) image. it occurs because in indexed mode it resamples exclusively with colors from that reduced (indexed) table. if you put an indexed image in the 24bit colorspace before you resize it, the resampling algo has more colors to choose from BUT it might be the case that the resampling algo in .net does not know it can choose from more colors besides the pre existing ones (like photoshop does).
    Eddie B

  11. #11
    flemming is offline Junior Member
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    I agree, the code would not need the dpi value for resizing ("dpi input"). I would prefer to have it as an option to set for the outputted file, though, for the following reason:
    Source images often come from various sources like "Self-made digi-cam", "Product supplier", "scans", "professional photographer" etc.
    Most of them probably in jpeg these days, almost certainly with varying dpi settings.
    As I understand it, images will be output in selectable sizes (resolutions). If the dpi could be set to a specific value per size (standard would be 72 for screen output), you would have your images standardized (with respect to whatever are your output options are!) and make it easier to reuse your images for other purposes like printing price lists, generating pdf's and so on.
    The dpi is a fairly simple attribute of an image and easily set. Unlike what I think is a common misconception, It does not in itself tell you anything about the quality or resolution of the image, it is primarily used by applications as a display guideline to be followed or neglected at will.

    Start out small-scale. Perhaps next (v2) version, though: Support for cmyk files as supplement to rgb. Again for reasons of source file diversity. More tricky though ;-)

    It seems that images are becoming more and more important as everything goes visual on the web. I think this module will become a greater success than we think, keep it up!

    Greeting from a sunny day in Denmark

  12. #12
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    Here is the final list of what I plan on implementing into the auto image resize feature:

    • Adding additional appconfigs to be able to control image sizes for individual entities

    • Changing the appconfigs to cut down on the total number. There will no longer be a size_width, size_height, and size_quality appconfig. It will be replaced by an appconfig that takes width, height, quality, resize, cropvertical, crophorizontal all in the same one (i.e. ProductIcon = 150,150,75,1,top,left …more on the resize parameter later)

    • Changing quality to take a numerical value. This way any percentage can be applied rather than just 100, 80, 50, and 30 (this number will be part of the new appconfigs above).

    • Adding a resize number to the appconfig that will essentially mark whether that particular image will be resized if it’s larger or smaller then the size specified. For example, you have multiple large images for products that are all different sizes…but you don’t want them resized or cropped. Instead of having to turn image resizing off, uploading the image, and then turning it back on, you can just enter 0 for the resize number and that particular image category won’t be resized but remain at whatever size you uploaded it as. It will likewise work this way for smaller images. Say you upload a 300x300 image into a 500x500 large placeholder. If the resize value is 0, the new image will be 500x500 (for consistency) but the 300x300 image will be centered and unresized while the rest of the image can be filled with a background color or perhaps a background color.

    • Thinking about removing the background color appconfig and moving everything to .css (thanks Shaun). This would also allow for you to add gradient images behind the images that you are uploading, create borders, etc. easily.

    • Creating an appconfig to allow for the large image to be uploaded and have the medium and icon images automatically created.

    • Also creating an appconfig that will tell it to overwrite the medium and icon if they already exist…or leave them alone.

    • Creating an Originals directory where all images that are uploaded will be stored in their native sizes and an appconfig to choose whether to do this or not.

    • I’m going to look at DPI, but I’m not sure how feasible it is.

    • I’m also going to look at setting color depth from an appconfig, though I think it may be a little too advanced for some people.

    Some of this may change one of the members of the community has provided me with an interesting way of handling things and a bit of code to go with it, and I want to look into it.

    I've shied away from creating an appconfig for maximum resolution or file size. It seems kind of redundant to set a limit in the appconfigs for something that you're just going to be uploading yourself anyways. I feel like a better option is to control these via the resizing parameters for the images, and if someone other than the super admin is going to be uploading the photos, just go ahead and set the resizing photos to only be accessible to the super admin so these don't get toy'd with. If anyone sees anything that I've missed let me know. If you have another feature that you'd like to see implemented now is the time to sell me on it. I'll be working on this over the weekend.

    I might also have a surprise feature wrapped up in all of this...but we'll see how it things work out

  13. #13
    fsantos is offline Senior Member
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    The feature list looks awesome! The big question now is: what will we have this? I'm desperetely waiting for the new release to go live.


  14. #14
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    RE: sunny day in denmark...

    well, what are you doing working then? Get outside!!

  15. #15
    Eddie is offline Member
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    it will probably be very useful, in order to standardize images already existing in a store, to have a switch that "resets" storewide (or maybe even just per dept/cat) each item's images by recreating/resizing each image *from the largest available file in the store* for that item. this would help keep images from before more uniform with images uploaded after this release.

    dpi cannot be done with the image resizing capacities built in .net because i am almost sure they dont take into consideration inches or any other physical size measure.

    other than that, you might want to get some sun this weekend cause you deserve it too!
    Eddie B

  16. #16
    shaunco is offline Member
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    George -
    The final feature list looks good ... we are all crossing our fingers that it will make it in to v7.1.

    Keep up the great work.


  17. #17
    fsantos is offline Senior Member
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    Just a tip regarding image resize storewide (this will not be fast on those using hosted solutions because of bandwidth):

    you can use a photoediting program like PaintShop Pro to create a script that goes through all your images and resizes them to a specified size. Run this agains the folders for each size, category, etc, etc and you will have standard sizes.

    This should also be more effective than having ADNSF doing that on the webserver code.

    Anyway, the new ImageResize feature will be great for loading the new images at the standard sizes.


  18. #18
    peter3827 is offline Senior Member
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    Is this feature built into the new C# build?

  19. #19
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    The 1st edition with the basic functionality is in the C# build. The additional features have not been implemented yet. I'm probably two days from having it complete and asking people to test it out so check back soon

  20. #20
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    RE: "THE ONLY THING BETTER would be drag and drop images from explorer into the site"

    you can do this now. just resize them in batch on your pc, and open a explorer FTP window to your site, and drag and drop them to the right dir

  21. #21
    talco1 is offline Member
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    Any Time frame update as to when the next build will be released?

  22. #22
    Eddie is offline Member
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    where/how do we go about in using the image resizer?

    Eddie B

  23. #23
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    Default Welcome to the new Image Resizing

    First off, let me say that I am really pleased with the way this turned out. This is the culmination of lots of hard work, and many well thought out requests and ideas…so thanks to everyone who submitted their thoughts and opinions.

    We’ve changed the names of some of the appconfigs to make them a little more “user-friendly” and there are now quite a bit of them (40 to be exact), and while it’s going to take a little direction and playing with to get it working properly for your site, the power that it offers is well worth the time spent configuring it.

    Please look over the attached .pdf and everyone let me know what you think. I currently only have it for but will be pushing it into and back into but I want to make sure there aren't any issues with it before getting it into the next version.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  24. #24
    Eddie is offline Member
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    "but will be pushing it into"

    so it is not into ?

    this is confusing. i just upgraded to ONLY to get the image resizer functionality...
    Eddie B

  25. #25
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    Eddie...the new features simply were not complete when was released. The basic functionality of the resizing is there in however. Go to Misc -> AppConfig Parameters and select IMAGE_RESIZING from the config groups dropdown box. As long as it is turned on you just upload images as you normally would and they will save to the width/height that you have specified in the other resizing appconfigs. What is included there will resize just like the new version only you don't have the ability to control everything so precisely like you do with the new version that was just completed. Check earlier in this thread for what exactly it does.

  26. #26
    seasonalsin is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ASPDNSF Staff - George View Post
    Go to Misc -> AppConfig Parameters and select IMAGE_RESIZING from the config groups dropdown box.

    I am on and I do not have this group in my app config??

    Currently 7.1 moving to MS9.3

  27. #27
    Eddie is offline Member
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    if i have the app config set to resize large images to 500x500 and the original upload is 500x500 does the server still resample the image to the same size and then resave it?

    this causes unnecessary image degradation, so it would be VERY nice if the resizer was smart enough not to mess with the image when size coming in=desired size.
    Eddie B

  28. #28
    Osman is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ASPDNSF Staff - George View Post
    First off, let me say that I am really pleased with the way this turned out. This is the culmination of lots of hard work, and many well thought out requests and ideas…so thanks to everyone who submitted their thoughts and opinions.

    We’ve changed the names of some of the appconfigs to make them a little more “user-friendly” and there are now quite a bit of them (40 to be exact), and while it’s going to take a little direction and playing with to get it working properly for your site, the power that it offers is well worth the time spent configuring it.

    Please look over the attached .pdf and everyone let me know what you think. I currently only have it for but will be pushing it into and back into but I want to make sure there aren't any issues with it before getting it into the next version.
    George, these features are awesome. I have ML C#. But there are only 14 AppConfig are defined. I would love to have swatch related features on my site. That's what I'm trying to do right now.

    Where can I download the latest files?


    AspDotNetStorefront ML C#

  29. #29
    fsantos is offline Senior Member
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    I believe you will have to wait for the release. It should be released today (I hope!). Keep checking the update pages. That's what I've been doing for the last couple of days


  30. #30
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    It actually won't make it into I'll have the files updated and have a patch for it so that you are able to implement it in a day or so.

  31. #31
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    There will one .dll to replace in the /bin, two .cs or .vb files (for ASPDNSFCommon) that you'll need if you ever have to recompile, several aspx.cs or aspx.vb files to replace in the admin directory, and a sql script to remove the old image resizing appconfigs (if any) and add in the new ones

  32. #32
    Reuven is offline Junior Member
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    Default Image Manager : Bulk Image Uploader and Resizing

    I decided to build my own image resizing process.
    I used an IFRAME on the product editing pages to display my Image Manager and set the inputs for the old image uploaders to be invisible. The result is an all-in-one image manger for each product.
    I then incorporated Arigma Bulk Image Uploader to facilitate uploading and resizing of multiple photos at once.

    Simple check the images you want to upload and it will resize for icon,medium,large, and swatch and you're done.

    This is HOT. I think everyone will want to use it. I'm looking to share the code with someone who will help me finetune it and maybe help me find a free bulk uploader to integrate with (Arigma is $150 per domain).


    Contact me for more info and source code.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Reuven; 06-29-2007 at 03:15 PM.

  33. #33
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    I had hoped for more from the resizing so I decided to build my own.
    I used an IFRAME on the product editing pages to display my Image Manager and set the inputs for the old image uploaders to be invisible. The result is an all-in-one image manger for each product.
    I then incorporated Arigma Bulk Image Uploader to facilitate uploading and resizing of multiple photos at once.
    Nice implementation Did you see the new features that I've integrated in? You can find the PDF attached in my post in this thread on page 3. I went for more control over the images size, quality, cropping, and the ability to upload one image and have all others created (i.e. upload 10 images in the large multi-image manager...all other images are automatically created - micro multi-images (new), icon multi-images and medium multi-images...all resized according to the width, height, quality, and other parameters of that specific entity or products appconfig (if you want them to be ))

  34. #34
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    george I noticed is out! Does this have the new image resizing options?
    No it doesn't. But I do have it for,,, and If you're interested shoot me a pm or an email and I'll get the files to you for integration.

  35. #35
    talco1 is offline Member
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    Thumbs up

    George it works great!!! Thank you very much you saved me HOURS getting all of my images online.

  36. #36
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    Very glad to hear It's nice to have other people as excited about it as I am.

  37. #37
    seasonalsin is offline Senior Member
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    When will this be in production in the site? Is it available for yet???

    Currently 7.1 moving to MS9.3

  38. #38
    estephen is offline Senior Member
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    Hi George. Looks very cool. I'd be interested in as well.

  39. #39
    mike.burns@surfsidesports is offline Junior Member
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    Default Help with solution on moving images over from storefront


    Below is link to an example product in our current Lagarde Storefront store.
    We are looking for a solution to map the multi color images over to our development site on ASPDNF.
    Otherwise we are looking at a lot of manual work and launch date delays.
    Any ideas for a solution for us?



    Quote Originally Posted by ASPDNSF Staff - George View Post
    I will be working on the maxium file size over the next couple weeks. I will also probably create a maximum pixel size for the sizing values that can be set in the appconfig parameters to keep users from entering in ridiculous resize values (like 2500 x 2500).

    I'll also be setting it up so that if you upload the large image first, it will automatically resize and create the images for medium and icon as well. If images already exist for medium and icon they won't be created or overwritten, but if they do not exist it will create them and hopefully save users some time.

    Any other feature suggestions or issues are still welcome ...please feel free to add them all here.

  40. #40
    jasolution is offline Member
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    I'm running ML C# and, unless I'm just overlooking them, most of the image resize appconfigs mentioned in the PDF in this thread are not in the build yet.

    Am I just overlooking them, or did the full feature set not make it into

    In particular, I'm most interested in being able to disable "stretching" since the image resize code right now is enlarging pics smaller than the set values, thus distorting the heck out of them.

    Last edited by jasolution; 05-30-2007 at 03:27 PM.

  41. #41
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    The new version of the image resizing has not made it into the main builds yet. It is still just the basic resizing feature that was first introduced a month or so back.

  42. #42
    seasonalsin is offline Senior Member
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    When do you figure to have the build for available. Main feature missing is:

    Creating an appconfig to allow for the large image to be uploaded and have the medium and icon images automatically created.


    Currently 7.1 moving to MS9.3

  43. #43
    Sean is offline Member
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    any updates?

  44. #44
    DYasgar's Avatar
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    Bump, bump. ML C# - Production ML C# - Development

  45. #45
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    Default is available...and hopefully it will be built into ML

  46. #46
    Osman is offline Junior Member
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    Thumbs up

    When can we download it George?

    AspDotNetStorefront ML C#

  47. #47
    seasonalsin is offline Senior Member
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    I would assume that you need to post a ticket with support and they will send it to you.

    Currently 7.1 moving to MS9.3

  48. #48
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    yes...that's going to have to become standard practice because it has to be emailed and sending an email to me directly may cause it to be lost. I just get too many emails on a daily basis Send to support and I can email you

  49. #49
    RobbieB is offline Junior Member
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    Any news on when this will be available for the IS version?

  50. #50
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    it will be a number of months before it goes into IS...sorry.

  51. #51
    Sean is offline Member
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    ...just curious if there is an approx date when willl be released?


  52. #52
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    it really is any day. we're trying to close up a few more "VAT" related issues before we do the next build, get the image resizing in there, and in the WSI, there's just a few more things we want to do before building.

  53. #53
    Sean is offline Member
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    Any concrete timeframes for We are waiting for that version to upgrade due to the full implementation of the image resizer...which would be a huge thing for us to have!!!

    Any news would be great!! (a release date would be the best news! lol )


  54. #54
    max_gwd is offline Junior Member
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    Any update on this? We're dying for it!!!


  55. #55
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    v7.0.2.0 should be out by Friday
    Last edited by DanV; 08-07-2007 at 08:13 PM.

  56. #56
    talco1 is offline Member
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    Is the new version hiding somewhere? It isn't in the download section.


  57. #57
    random is offline Banned
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    Any update on this long awaited new version?
    v7.0.2.0 should be out by Friday
    didn't materialize yet...
    Yep, it is difficult to predict when all bugs are out, but it is difficult to wait also :-)

  58. #58
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    We are still testing a few is the new Telerik RAD editor integration, which looks good, but needed a few more tweaks.

  59. #59
    meharhay is offline Junior Member
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    Default 1 Upload - Resize for all?

    Is it possible to upload just the large Image and have ASPDNSF create all the other resized images upon upload?

    I looked at the source code and there seems to be some functions to do this, but I cannot figure out how fire them on upload.

    CreateOthersFromLarge ?



  60. #60
    uptime244 is offline Member
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    AppConfig#739 - LargeCreatesOthers

  61. #61
    toofast is offline Senior Member
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    this is just so damn sweet! george, you are the man! 2 questions:

    1. if a product comes in 2 colors, the swatch shows the "default" image also: see example here. shouldn't the swatch only show the colors?

    2. we've just upgraded and have over 500 products that we would like to setup with the new color swatches. any way to do this quickly? or do we have to manually upload all images through the medium multi-image manager again?

  62. #62
    George the Great is offline Senior Member
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    The swatch will show the "no-color" image as well...because the dropdown can be set to the color prompt (default selection of no color which shows the medium no-color image). We designed it to work on the same subset of images as the dropdown.

    The quickest way would be to make sure all of the necessary appconfigs are set (LargeCreatesOthers, MultiImageCreatesSwatchAndMap) and then upload everything through the Large Multi-Image Manager. It will create the swatch from here too as long as everything is set up right.

  63. #63
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    Dec 2005
    Cherry Hill, NJ, USA


    so, if i set AutoSelectFirstSizeColorOption to true, will the swatch then be created without the "no-color" image?

  64. #64
    sbarstow is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Where do you use this feature?

    I have checked the app config and imageresize is set to true.

    However, when I go into product manager I cannot control the size of the images.

    Please help.

    Also, do you publish anywhere the default size of the images?

  65. #65
    sbarstow is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Found the answer. All in app configs. Working on it now.

  66. #66
    tito is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    I think this function is wicked George. nice one .. really . .
    Want to ask you..
    is there a way we can adjust the spacing between the images. also can we specify the amount of cols it should load in ..
    I have t-shirts on sale with 25+ different colors. it works very nicely but .. the image gets really long and starts sticking out of the page. would be nice if we can specify example cell pad, or cell space and number of cols, rows.
    Am sorry George one more thing .. the rollover does not seem to work for me.. the appconfig is set to work but still nothing.

    Example of whats happening ..



  67. #67
    Roxannemm is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Auto Image Resize Avail?

    Hello all,

    I am getting ready to upload about 750 images to my new store. I have version Is auto image resize available for me? I hope so, because it will save me about 2 years worth of work!

    I have looked for it in the manual and the admin tool, but I can't find anything about auto resize.

    Many Thanks!

    Roxanne M.

  68. #68
    newuser is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    Roxanne -

    I have and found that it does not auto-create the different image sizes

    However it's not hard to write a C# app to do it. I found these to be helpful articles:

    C# Tutorial - Image Editing: Saving, Cropping, and Resizing

    Image Processing for Dummies with C# and GDI+ Part 2 - Convolution Filters

    Good luck! (Feel free to PM me if you need help or want to outsource it )

  69. #69
    Rob is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2004


    You could also just upgrade to v7.0.2.3+ (might save you hours and hours of work)?
    Shopping Cart

  70. #70
    Roxannemm is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Thanks for the info, gentlemen! I will see what I can do.


  71. #71
    velmurugan is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2008

    Cool Adding Border For Micro Images

    I was in need to add border for micro images,by default the border for micro images are set to 0,i dont have source code,please kindly suggest me on how to add border for micro images through admin.

  72. #72
    Jesse is offline Banned
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    May 2008


    You should be able to alter the style.css stylesheet file in the appropriate skin folder by changing the:
        border: none;
    to be the image border size you need. Like (border: 1px solid #fff;) or similar.

  73. #73
    velmurugan is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2008

    Default Micro Image

    Fine,But I need to change the border only for Micro Image.

  74. #74
    Jesse is offline Banned
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    May 2008


    There is no defining ID for "micro images" as opposed to others. In order to be able to style the micro images only, you'll have to edit your ProductImageGallery class in the AspDotNetStorefrontCommon library. The LoadFromDB method returns the HTML for these images. You'd have to alter the "micro" images to instead have a "Micro" ID in the img tag so you can refer to it specfically in your CSS.

  75. #75
    RyanMorgan is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2007


    Is this not available in the ML/DNN version?

  76. #76
    Jesse is offline Banned
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    May 2008


    As per our Director of Technical Support: The code is in place, but it is not supported. If you would like to try to implement it as a customization, here's a list of the AppConfigs that will need created in order to govern the code.
    if not exists(select*from [dbo].AppConfig WHERE Name='UseImageResize') begin
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'UseImageResize','IMAGERESIZE','Determines whether image resizing will be used. This can be overridden in any of the size configs through use of the attribute resize (i.e resize:false;).','true')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'ProductImg_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the product icon image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:150;height:150;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'ProductImg_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the product medium image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:250;height:250;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'ProductImg_large','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the product large image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), croph(left,right, or center), largecreates(true or false), and largeoverwrites(true or false). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:500;height:500;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'ProductImg_swatch','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the product swatch image if uploaded manually. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:150;height:50;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'VariantImg_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the variant icon image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:150;height:150;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'VariantImg_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the variant medium image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:250;height:250;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'VariantImg_large','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the variant large image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center), largecreates(true or false), and largeoverwrites(true or false). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:500;height:500;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'CategoryImg_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the category icon image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:150;height:150;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'CategoryImg_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the category medium image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:250;height:250;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'CategoryImg_large','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the category large image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), croph(left,right, or center), largecreates(true or false), and largeoverwrites(true or false). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:500;height:500;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'ManufacturerImg_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the manufacturer icon image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:150;height:150;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'ManufacturerImg_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the manufacturer medium image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:250;height:250;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'ManufacturerImg_large','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the manufacturer large image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), croph(left,right, or center), largecreates(true or false), and largeoverwrites(true or false). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:500;height:500;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'SectionImg_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the department icon image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:150;height:150;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'SectionImg_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the department medium image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:250;height:250;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'SectionImg_large','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the department large image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), croph(left,right, or center), largecreates(true or false), and largeoverwrites(true or false). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:500;height:500;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DistributorImg_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the distributor icon image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:150;height:150;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DistributorImg_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the distributor medium image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), and croph(left,right, or center). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:250;height:250;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DistributorImg_large','IMAGERESIZE','Sets the specifications for the distributor large image. Valid attributes are width(int), height(int), quality(int), stretch(true or false), fill(color string with #), crop(true or false), cropv(top,bottom, or middle), croph(left,right, or center), largecreates(true or false), and largeoverwrites(true or false). All attributes are optional and if not specified will use the values from the default-configs.','width:500;height:500;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'LargeCreatesOthers','IMAGERESIZE','Determines whether an uploaded large image will create the icon and medium images. This value can be over written in each of the size-configs through use of the attribute largecreates (i.e. largecreates:false;).','true')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'LargeOverwritesOthers','IMAGERESIZE','Determines whether an uploaded large image will create AND overwrite existing icon and medium images. This value can be over written in each of the size-configs through use of the attribute largeoverwrites (i.e. largeoverwrites:false;).','true')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultCrop','IMAGERESIZE','true or false. You can leave the crop attribute out of all size-configs and cropping will be determined according to this value. If you use the crop attribute in the other appconfigs (i.e crop:false;) it will take precedence over this value. This value should NOT be left blank.','true')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultCropVertical','IMAGERESIZE','top, bottom, or middle. The vertical anchor point when cropping will default to this unless otherwise specified in the size-configs (i.e cropv:top).','middle')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultCropHorizontal','IMAGERESIZE','left, right, or center. The horizontal anchor point when cropping will default to this unless otherwise specified in the size-configs (i.e croph:left).','center')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultFillColor','IMAGERESIZE','Default fill color to be used if fill attribute is left out of the other size-configs (i.e fill:#00FF00;).','#FFFFFF')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultQuality','IMAGERESIZE','Default quality if quality attribute is not used in other size-configs (i.e. quality:75;).','100')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultStretch','IMAGERESIZE','Default stretch value if stretch attribute is not specified in other size-configs (i.e. stretch:false). Stretch is the value that determines whether a smaller, uploaded image will stretch to fill a largeer, resized destination image.','true')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultWidth_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Default width of an icon image if no width attribute is specified in the other size-configs (i.e. width:50;). This value should NOT be left blank.','150')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultHeight_icon','IMAGERESIZE','Default height of an icon image if no width attribute is specified in the other size-configs (i.e. width:50;). This value should NOT be left blank.','150')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultWidth_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Default width of a medium image if no width attribute is specified in the other size-configs (i.e. width:50;). This value should NOT be left blank.','250')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultHeight_medium','IMAGERESIZE','Default height of a medium image if no width attribute is specified in the other size-configs (i.e. width:50;). This value should NOT be left blank.','250')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultWidth_large','IMAGERESIZE','Default width of a large image if no width attribute is specified in the other size-configs (i.e. width:50;). This value should NOT be left blank.','500')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'DefaultHeight_large','IMAGERESIZE','Default height of a large image if no width attribute is specified in the other size-configs (i.e. width:50;). This value should NOT be left blank.','500')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'MultiColorMakesSwatchAndMap','IMAGERESIZE','If true, when uploading images in the medium multi-image manager the store will create a single swatch image that is composed of all of your images. The width and height specified in SwatchStyleAuto are the width and height for each smaller portion of the swatch image and they will be joined into 1 image that is width x number of colors wide and height high. This will also create the swatch map code for you and insert it into the database.','false')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'MultiMakesMicros','IMAGERESIZE','If true this will create micro images resized by the width and height specified in MicroStyle and will save them in the images/product/micro folder whenever you are uploading multiple images in the medium multi-image manager. If a product has multi-images and UseImagesForMultiNav is true then images will be shown instead of the number icons.','true')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'MicroStyle','IMAGERESIZE','Attributes used for MultiMakesMicros. The cols colspacing, and rowspacing attributes are used to determine how many images can appear in each row and how much space (in pixels) is between each image while the width and height determine the resized micro height.','width:40;height:40;cols:5;colspacing:5;rowspacing:5;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'SwatchStyleAuto','IMAGERESIZE','Attributes used for MultiColorMakesSwatchAndMap. Valid attributes are width, and height.','width:25;height:25;')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'UseImagesForMultiNav','IMAGERESIZE','If true micro images will be used instead of the number icons when multiple images exist in the multi-image manager.','false')
    INSERT [dbo].AppConfig(SuperOnly,Name,GroupName,Description,ConfigValue)values(0,'UseRolloverForMultiNav','IMAGERESIZE','If true and UseImagesForMultiNav is true then the medium image will change when you rollover the micro images instead of when you click on them.','false')