EDIT: Derp, just noticed that your question was posted in the MS forum. Not sure if these same appconfigs exist in your version. Sorry about that!
I don't know about topics but you may be interested in these appconfigs:
Search_ShowCategoriesInResults - if true, then a category matches will be shown in the advanced search results
Search_ShowDistributorsInResults - if true, then a distributor matches will be shown in the advanced search results
Search_ShowGenresInResults - if true, then a Genre matches will be shown in the advanced search results
Search_ShowManufacturersInResults - if true, then a manufacturer matches will be shown in the advanced search results
Search_ShowProductsInResults - if true, then a category matches will be shown in the advanced search results
Search_ShowSectionsInResults - if true, then a section matches will be shown in the advanced search results
Search_ShowVectorsInResults - if true, then a Vector matches will be shown in the advanced search results
Do an appconfig search for "search" for all other options. Sadly I do not see anything pertaining to topic.
Last edited by donttryathome; 11-08-2012 at 01:42 PM.
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