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Thread: Setting a minimum amount of Items before adding to Cart

  1. #1
    wing43215 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Setting a minimum amount of Items before adding to Cart

    I want to be able to set a minimum amount of items before a customer can check out. For example: I have a wheel the sells for $5. I want the customer to order 8 or more. If they attempt to order less then 8 wheels then they can not add the item to the cart. How would I do this?
    Also, is it possible to set it up in multiples? Like 8,16,32?

  2. #2
    GoVedia is offline Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Orange, CA

    Default Minimum Restricted Quantity


    Yes, both are possible, and configured at the product variant level.

    Use the "Minimum Quantity" field to define the minimum quantity that a customer is allowed to purchase.

    The "Restricted Quantities" field allows you the specify the quantity levels at which he product is allowed to be purchased. Using your example, you would enter "8,16,32" without the quotes.

    Robert Kanaan
    AspDotNetStorefront Development Partner

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