Hey all,

So I'm using ASPDNSF to duplicate Bootstrap menu + reponsive functionality, as another subdomain on my site uses Concrete5 + Bootstrap.

Any ideas on how to replace the ComponentArt PageMenu with a Bootstrap menu?

I've figured out how to write XSL that would translate menuData.xml into Bootstrap-appropriate menu HTML, but the problem is this: menuData.xml is loaded by TemplateBase.cs, which completes the Categories menu by pulling from the database. So it seems like I have to modify TemplateBase.cs. I'm not sure how to do this. Currently, it includes these lines:

using ComponentArt.Web.UI;
and then

public class TemplateBase : System.Web.UI.UserControl

        protected PlaceHolder PageContent;
        protected ComponentArt.Web.UI.Menu PageMenu;
        protected ComponentArt.Web.UI.Menu VertMenu;
        protected ComponentArt.Web.UI.TreeView PageTree;
I do not know C#. Can anyone tell me how this is working? There are ComponentArt javascript files in the skins folder, but I can't figure out how TemplateBase.cs is passing the completed xml doc to these javascript files for output. Or maybe there's some more code going on behind the scenes?

Basically, what I need is to INSTEAD call an XML package, send it the completed XML doc from TemplateBase.cs, and translate the XML into HTML to be displayed on the website.


Devin Mooers