Has anyone ever implemented Freight shipping with aspdotnetstorefront?
Has anyone ever implemented Freight shipping with aspdotnetstorefront?
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Jim Buchanan
The Chute Doctor
chutedr.com User
We are looking into how we might do this. One of the reasons that we decided to move away from shared hosting is because ASPDNSF doesn't have a very rich set of shipping optoins and other tools will probably need additional services running on the server. For example:
SQL 2012 Express
VS 2010
Azure VM
We have implemented freight on our site. We use a 3rd party web service to get the freight rates. The biggest thing is extra information will need be added to products no matter what service you use. The most important is the freight class. Which can be added as a new field in the database or in the extension data. You will need the source code to do this type of implementation.
Also the 3rd party web srvice we use is AFS which provides more than just the web service. There are other services out there but I haven't used them so can't give a comparison.