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Thread: 9.3.1 - Why is UPS Worldship removed?

  1. #1
    sbetchel is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default 9.3.1 - Why is UPS Worldship removed?

    The release notes say it is removed, but gives no reason.


  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Erik is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Ashland, OR

    Default Shipping Import/Export Tool removal from 9310

    The UPS Worldship tool was outdated and required a lot of work to get it working consistently and correctly, so it was decided to just remove it instead. Apparently there are still a lot of customers still using it though for basic shipping tracking importing.

    I believe you can re-install it by this process (this seemed to work for me, but VORTX is not liable for offering this suggestion):

    Steps to put the Shipping Import/Export back into the Admin Shipping menu in 9310/9311 from 9300:

    1) Copy the 4 files from the 9300 version install files from the \Web\Admin folder to the 9310 install of the same location: "OrderShipment*"
    2) Compare the \Web\Admin\Controls\AdminMenu.ascx.cs from the 9300 and 9310 versions and replace the missing line from the //Configuration --> SHIPPING SUBMENU into the 9300
    3) Create the WorldShipExport stored procodure by running the SQL below in the Configuration - Advanced - Run SQL window:

    CREATE proc dbo.aspdnsf_WorldShipExport


    SELECT CAST(o.OrderNumber AS varchar(10)) + '-' + CAST(a.ShippingAddressID AS varchar(10)) OrderNumber,
    o.ShippingTrackingNumber, o.ShippedOn, o.ShippingMethod, o.CustomerID, o.FirstName + ' ' + o.LastName [Name],
    o.Email, ad.FirstName + ' ' + ad.LastName AS ShippingName, o.ShippingCompany, ad.Address1 ShippingAddress1,
    ad.Address2 ShippingAddress2, ad.Suite ShippingSuite, ad.City ShippingCity, ad.State ShippingState, ad.Zip ShippingZip, ad.Country ShippingCountry,
    ad.Phone ShippingPhone, b.AddressSubTotal OrderSubtotal,
    o.OrderTax, o.OrderShippingCosts, o.OrderTotal, o.OrderDate, CASE WHEN (c.AddressCount = 1) THEN o.OrderWeight ELSE b.AddressWeightTotal END OrderWeight
    FROM dbo.Orders o with (nolock)
    JOIN (SELECT OrderNumber, ShippingAddressID FROM dbo.orders_shoppingcart with (nolock) GROUP BY OrderNumber, ShippingAddressID HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT ShippingAddressID) = 1 ) a ON O.OrderNumber = A.OrderNumber
    JOIN (SELECT OrderNumber, ShippingAddressID, SUM(OrderedProductPrice * Quantity) AddressSubTotal, SUM(PV.Weight * Quantity) AddressWeightTotal FROM dbo.orders_shoppingcart os with (nolock) JOIN productvariant pv with (nolock) on os.variantid = pv.variantid group by ordernumber, shippingaddressid ) b on b.ordernumber = a.ordernumber and b.ShippingAddressID = a.ShippingAddressID
    JOIN (SELECT OrderNumber, count(ShippingAddressID) AddressCount FROM dbo.orders_shoppingcart with (nolock) group by ordernumber ) c on c.ordernumber = a.ordernumber
    JOIN dbo.Address ad on ad.addressid = b.shippingaddressid

    WHERE o.ReadyToShip = 1 AND o.ShippedOn IS NULL AND TransactionState IN ('AUTHORIZED', 'CAPTURED')
    ORDER BY ordernumber


    4) Reset Cache in the admin
    Erik Sutton
    AspDotNetStorefront Technical Support