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Thread: Tracking mobile users

  1. #1
    babslimo is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    North Carolina

    Default Tracking mobile users

    My customer is using ASPDNSF version 9.2 with the Vortx mobile plug-in. They'd like to separate tracking in Google Analytics between the mobile users and the desktop users, but it appears that both use the same .aspx pages. Can anyone suggest a way that we could track these visitors separately? Is there any distinguishing URL characteristics to differentiate the mobile and desktop sites? Thanks!
    Annette L. Fowler
    Beacon Technologies

  2. #2
    Skriver is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    I'm no expert as I don't use the mobile but I would assume that if they are using the same aspx pages then the people using the mobiles are viewing the site on a full scald browser (Safari on an Iphone). The mobile page should begin with m. but most smartphones these days use a full scaled browser so I am not sure if this will be tracked as a mobile visitor or not.

    You could always look into using Google Analytics to get the number or visitors by device as regardless of smartphones browser it would show this as being used as a mobile.