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Thread: Filtering the category page by size

  1. #1
    geetha zerosoft is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Filtering the category page by size

    Hi ...I need to filter the current category page displaying by size, color, price without page loading. That is, the filter options is in the template page and on clicking a size, it should filter the categories without loading page. So I need a solution to pass the values to xml without page loading. Thanks in advance...

  2. #2
    GoVedia is offline Member
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    Oct 2012
    Orange, CA

    Default Category Page Filter Without Refresh

    @geetha zerosoft,

    To summarize, you want to be able to filter products on your category pages, without the need of a page reload.

    Summary of events taking place:
    1) User selects a filter option.
    2) Filter value is passed to a method for processing.
    3) Product results are gathered based on the filter selection(s).
    4) New product results are "inserted" onto the category page, and replace the existing product listing using client side scripts, to avoid the need of a page reload.

    Here is a high-level break down of how I would approach it:
    1) Use client side scripts (JavaScript) to respond to filter selections.
    2) Use AJAX to pass and retrieve product listing data, based on the filters selected.
    3) A custom page or XML package could be used to handle the processing of product listings. In other words, receiving filter values, and passing back product results.
    4) Create a DB stored procedure to retrieve products based on the category and filter(s) selected.
    5) Create a script which would replace the existing product listings, with the new results.

    In other words, we are getting around a page refresh through the use of AJAX.

    Feel free to shoot over any questions.

    Robert Kanaan
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  3. #3
    Alkaline is offline Senior Member
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    May 2006


    A far better way, if you have the exp is to create a .ascx user control and use's built in ajax update panel to handle this.

    Ofcourse you would be bypassing the xml package system but the results are much better,



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