Good Morning All,
I don't know exactly what I am doing wrong, but what I want to happen is when you go to View/Manage orders, and you look up an order, you don't have to switch the New Order radio button below to 'NO', I want it to be pre selected instead of YES.
I have it working somewhat, it just seems to kill my page load time (taking over 30 seconds to load from main admin screen).
So I went into orders.aspx and around line 182 changed the code for the radio button list to display:
<asp:listitem Value="0" Selected="True" Text="<%$Tokens:StringResource, admin.order.NewOrdersOnlyNo %>" />
and it does change it the way I want it to be set on no, except like i said, kills my page loading time, is there something else I am missing here?
Thanks in advance,