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Thread: MSx Minor Release

  1. #1
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Tammy is offline Super Moderator
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default MSx Minor Release

    We're making it easier to stay up-to-date by releasing minor releases in between our major releases. With minor releases, you can spend less time and money by upgrading a little at a time, over time, rather than waiting until the upgrade is too big and expensive to handle.

    This minor release has 50 updated and improved features and is free if you have Update Rights.

  2. #2
    kpaul is offline Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Is there a list of all the fixes/enhancements this update addresses?

    ASPDNSF v9.3/64 Bit
    Windows Web Server 2008 R2
    IIS 7.5

  3. #3
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Tammy is offline Super Moderator
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

  4. #4
    Analogue is offline Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Upgrade rights

    I've been an ASPDNSF user for quite some time now, but I have to say this upgrade rights thing is not great from the customer's end. Especially when I have to put this to a client who has just bought a license. 'Sorry guys, I need more money from you'.

    So in essence this is what you are saying.

    We want you to pay in advance for some undefined, non-specific updates (FIXES) on a product you just bought that has bugs. If you don't pay us in advance for update rights we will charge you full price again for the next update of our storefront which will probably also have some bugs.

    Otherwise known as a subscription!?!

    Let me say - not having an upgrade price is a swiz. Wanting people to pay in advance, when they've just bought your product, for updates and fixes that that are not defined at the point of purchase is just pure wrong. You should get this in order and offer a proper upgrade price like 99% of software vendors on the planet do.

    There are a lot of functions missing from this product like good filtering (by size, by price etc) and lots of really useful stuff. But that's a whole other post.

  5. #5
    ssgumby is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Analogue View Post
    I've been an ASPDNSF user for quite some time now, but I have to say this upgrade rights thing is not great from the customer's end. Especially when I have to put this to a client who has just bought a license. 'Sorry guys, I need more money from you'.

    So in essence this is what you are saying.

    We want you to pay in advance for some undefined, non-specific updates (FIXES) on a product you just bought that has bugs. If you don't pay us in advance for update rights we will charge you full price again for the next update of our storefront which will probably also have some bugs.

    Otherwise known as a subscription!?!

    Let me say - not having an upgrade price is a swiz. Wanting people to pay in advance, when they've just bought your product, for updates and fixes that that are not defined at the point of purchase is just pure wrong. You should get this in order and offer a proper upgrade price like 99% of software vendors on the planet do.

    There are a lot of functions missing from this product like good filtering (by size, by price etc) and lots of really useful stuff. But that's a whole other post.
    If there was a "like" button for this post, I would be all over it. The way these update rights were handled is bait and switch. I bought ASPDNSF long ago, and I would expect pay to "updgrade" to a new version, but I should not be expected to pay an annual fee to correct defects in the code. Ive all but given up on ASPDNSF, for now im leaving it chug along as my team puts in its diligence in picking out a new solution.