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Thread: Trying to Track Down Where a Stored Procedure Is Called

  1. #1
    webdbapps is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Trying to Track Down Where a Stored Procedure Is Called


    I'm assisting in a project where the previous developer went AWOL. We need to change the way the system is handling entries in the VendorFullSKU field of the Inventory table. The previous developer wrote a stored procedure as follows:
    UPDATE Inventory SET
    		VendorFullSKU = dbo.GetVendorFullSKU(InventoryID)
    	WHERE InventoryID IN 
    	(SELECT InventoryID FROM Inventory WHERE LEN(ISNULL(VendorFullSKU, '')) <= 0 AND VariantID > 0)
    The GetVendorFullSKU is a SQL Function written as:
    DECLARE @VendorFullSKU	nvarchar(100) = ''
    	SELECT @VendorFullSKU = ISNULL(dbo.Inventory.VendorFullSKU, '')
    	FROM dbo.ProductVariant INNER JOIN
             dbo.Inventory ON dbo.ProductVariant.VariantID = dbo.Inventory.VariantID
        WHERE dbo.Inventory.InventoryID=@InventoryID
    	SELECT @VendorFullSKU = LTRIM(RTRIM(@VendorFullSKU))
        IF @VendorFullSKU <> ''
    		RETURN @VendorFullSKU
    	SELECT   @VendorFullSKU =
    		ISNULL((SELECT TOP (1) DTBA FROM dbo.zProductSku WHERE (ProductID = pv.ProductID)), 'U') 
    		+ '-' + CAST(pv.ProductID AS nvarchar(50)) + '-' + CAST(pv.VariantID AS nvarchar(50)) 
            + '-' + REPLACE(dbo.GetSizeSkuModifier(i.InventoryID), '-', '') 
            + '-' + SUBSTRING(REPLACE(REPLACE(dbo.GetColorSkuModifier(i.InventoryID), '-', ''), ' ', ''), 1, 4)
            + '-' + CAST(i.InventoryID AS nvarchar(20))
    	FROM    dbo.Inventory AS i INNER JOIN
                dbo.ProductVariant AS pv ON i.VariantID = pv.VariantID
        WHERE i.InventoryID=@InventoryID	
    	RETURN @VendorFullSKU
    We want to prevent the above stored procedure from being run. Unfortunately, I'm not able to track down within the codebase where it's being called. I've found references in the WSI.cs class relative to VendorFullSKU, but cannot find any scheduled jobs or bits of code that specifically call this function or stored procedure.

    Can anyoone suggest where I should look either in our codebase or server logs for references to the above stored procedure / function? The goal is to disable it completely.


  2. #2
    SWillis is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Charlotte, NC


    You can just modify the stored procedure itself by inserting at the top a RETURN function.

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.MyProcedure
        @someVar INT
        [... rest of procedure here...]
    This will "run" the procedure but return nothing. You could also comment out everything below the RETURN if you care to with some comments to explain why it's been disabled for future developers' sake.

    If the app is expecting "something" you can add:

       NULL AS Col1
      ,NULL AS Col2
    Just put in whatever default values the app needs and you should be good to go!
    Steven C. Willis
    Director, Database Administration & Development
    The Moore Creative Company