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Thread: Deploying source code changes

  1. #1
    kingris is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Deploying source code changes

    I'm trying to do some simple changes in the source code, just adding css IDs and such to the markup, I believe I'm changing the right code but can't get my changes deployed.

    For example, I've changed the LookupProductImage method in AspDotNetStorefrontCore.XSLTExtensionBase to simply return the string "TEST". Then I built the whole solution in Visual Studio. The DLLs in /web/bin/ all show being modified at the time I built, but the images on the rendered pages still show up. I've reset the cache in the storefront admin thinking it might do something, but still cannot get any of my changes to reflect.

    Surely I'm missing something?

  2. #2
    kingris is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Default Overloads!

    In case anyone else goes down this same path, the code is compiling fine, but many of the methods in the projects have multiple overflows, so I was just changing the code in ONE of the MANY LookupProductImage methods within AspDotNetStorefrontCore.XSLTExtensionBase. Once I tracked down which overload was being used and made my changes there, everything was fine.