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Thread: Trusted Stores Implementation

  1. #1
    medsupply is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Trusted Stores Implementation

    We have signed up for Goog;e Trusted stores and bought the Dot Feed channel. However we are short on tech resources to implement this. Is Vortx offering any services to get this installed properly?

  2. #2
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott's Avatar
    AspDotNetStorefront Staff - Scott is offline Administrator
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    Ashland, OR


    We are, yes! As of today we have 2 great new services available to help folks get the most out of the DotFeed platform.

    DotFeed Installation

    DotFeed Consulting Time

  3. #3
    Contour is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Two Issues

    Hi - We have set up our GTS feeds via dotfeed and that portion is working correctly.

    However, I noticed in the feed for cancelled orders, all partial refund oders are appearing. Meaning, we use the ad-hoc refund function in ASPDNSF to refund partial orders for adjustments related to customer service (shipping refunds, etc). ASPDNSF creates a new order for each of these and they automatically appear in our cancelled feed provided to Google. Since they are not cancelled orders, I think they are overstating the true cancelled orders and this will harm our reputation with Google. Has anyone else seen this?

    Also, we're receiving this error upon validating js code from Google: Incorrect format: “google_base_subaccount_id”
    How to Fix: Update the Google Shopping Account ID in the “google_base_subaccount_id” field of the Google Trusted Stores JavaScript code. The Google Shopping Account ID typically follows this format: “[0-9]+”. The Google Shopping Account ID provided appears to not match this format.
    Your value: “1218582"/>”.

    Our account id for Google Merchant Center is the number above and has been added to the appconfig "GoogleTrustedStoreProductSearchID" as such. Anyone else experienced this one?

    Many thanks.
    Jeff Conklin
    e-Commerce Manager

  4. #4
    donttryathome is offline Senior Member
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    Apr 2009


    If you are only authorizing transactions upon order completion you can use the "Adjust Order Total" button to issue those refunds. This way no ad-hoc transactions are done and there's no potentially harmful paper trail to worry about. If you're capturing upon order completion, I don't think this method would work for you. Sorry I don't have a more specific solution to your problem!
    Running: AspDotNetStorefront ML

  5. #5
    Contour is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    We do auth and capture, then adjust after the fact. Hence the creation of the second order.

    I don't know what is driving the inclusion of the ad-hoc orders in the Google cancelled order feed. I am sure we could change that setting, or perhaps set an appconfig to prevent it. Our true cancelled order rate is about 0.5%, so right now, the feed is greatly overstating it.
    Jeff Conklin
    e-Commerce Manager