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Thread: WSI Import Product

  1. #1
    vedran is offline Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default WSI Import Product


    I am trying to import sample product based on the XML sample file that I received, but It just will not work.

    Does anyone have CRUD xml sample for a product.


  2. #2
    acanadian is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Add Product XML

    Hopefully it doesn't get too mangled in the forum.

    This XML should add a default product called Testing Product to the first store in your database.

    <AspDotNetStorefrontImport Version="7.1">
    <Product Action="Add" EnsureDefaultVariant="1">
    		<Name>Testing Product</Name>
    		<Description>Testing Description</Description>
    			<SEName>Testing Product Name</SEName>
    		<ProductType ID="1"/>		
    		<StoreMappings AutoCleanup="1" PreserveExistingRecords="1">
    			<Store StoreId="1"/>
    		<!-- NOTE, if you are mapping to an entity by it's NAME, it must already exist. If you are trying to create mappings on the fly, it must use XPath sequence for the Name, e.g. /cat1/cat1-1/ etc -->
    		<Mappings AutoCleanup="boolean" PreserveExistingRecords="boolean">
    			<Entity EntityType="Manufacturer" ID="1"/>
    			<Entity EntityType="Section" ID="6"/>
    			<!--<Entity EntityType="Manufacturer|Distributor|Category|Section|Genre|Vector" Name="" XPath="" ID="integer" GUID="uniqueidentifier" DisplayOrder=""/> -->
    		<Variants AutoCleanup="boolean">
    			<Variant Action="Add">
    				<Name>Testing Product</Name>
    					<SEName>Testing Product</SEName>
    				<ExtendedPrices AutoCleanup="boolean" PullFromVariantID="integer" PullFromVariantGUID="uniqueidentifier">
    					<CustomerLevel ID="integer" GUID="uniqueidentifier" Price="decimal" />
    					<CustomerLevel ID="integer" GUID="uniqueidentifier" Price="decimal" />
    					<CustomerLevel ID="integer" GUID="uniqueidentifier" Price="decimal" />
    					<CustomerLevel ID="integer" GUID="uniqueidentifier" Price="decimal" />