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Hi there,
I was curious as to if anybody had any successful experience creating orders through the WSI. I've read some posts where people asked and then received the "Use SQL" suggestion, however I did not see them post afterwards regarding their success.
I originally had spent some time using "Set" to attempt to create an order until I realized that is only for updating.
My next approach was to use the ExecuteSQL node to insert records. This works only for the "Orders" table when using the DoIt service. The problem is that there are 3 tables which hold order records. These include: Orders, Orders_Shoppingcart, and Orders_KitCart. Whenever I would attempt to insert into Orders_Shoppingcart the WSI would still think I was calling the "Orders" table, and therefore not recognize any of the fields I was wanting to insert into. I should add that when I attempt to execute the exact same insert statement using our demo store's "Run SQL" page, it works. Why would the exact same statement work on the Run SQL page, but not in the ExecuteSQL node?
We're at a bit of a stand-still wondering if it is possible to create an order through AspDotNetStorefront WSI, since SQL only works for inserting in "Orders" but not the other 2 tables.
Any success from people here?