Unfortunately, in their wisdom, the developers of ASPDNSF don't bring back all database fields in the EntityHelpers result set. SEAltText is one of these missing fields which is why you see nothing. (If you run your XML Package in debug mode, you'll be able to see the data that is returned).
I can only imagine that the developers did this to try and reduce the amount of data being generated by the EntityHelpers package.
So, you need another way to do this. Without writing a special XSLTExtension, one solution is to add another SQL Query at the top of your XML Package:
<query name="CategoryData" rowElementName="Category">
select * from Category where categoryID = @CatID
<queryparam paramname="@CatID" paramtype="runtime" requestparamname="CatID" sqlDataType="int" defvalue="0" validationpattern="" />
...now, you can retrieve the SEAltText value (and anything else related to this category) like this...
<xsl:value-of select="/root/CategoryData/Category/SEAltText"/>