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Thread: Coupon Minimum Order Amount, should be of subtotal...

  1. #1
    vi.tran@slugger is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Question Coupon Minimum Order Amount, should be of subtotal...

    Is there anyway to modify it so its not looking at the "Total" when it should actually be looking at the "subtotal" amount for the discount minimum.

    Reason is say I want to take $20 off a minimum order of $50, if you set the minimum amount to $50, the coupon will work on the shopping cart screen but once you hit continue to continue the checkout the coupon is removed due to $30 total being less than the minimum total so you have to set it to $30 for it to work.

    Issue is this is misleading when the consumer gets the error message stating the order isn't over $30 when it needs to be over $50.

  2. #2
    vi.tran@slugger is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Bump has anyone either fixed this issue or ran into this issue of where it's not looking at the initial total?