Running ML on Windows 7, Visual Studio 2008 or running site on IIS 7.5, outside of Visual Studio.

My version of createaccount.aspx gave javascript errors on attempting to submit the new account details. Problem also happens on uncustomised version, so it is not my customisation. Also happens on account.aspx. It does not happen (yet) on production environment (Windows 2003), or previous development PC (Windows XP). Checked that sources are identical between working and non working versions, and the XP machine where it works now contains a copy from the Windows 7 machine.

I made a copy of account.aspx and took out all the validtors. Then it worked fine. Add just one valdator, and the problem comes back. But other pages (like the login page) use validators, and that works fine.

Problem appears to be down to it not loading javascripts from the WebResource.axd files, but this may just be a symptom. There is a lot of info out there about the WebResource.axd not loading, but in those cases the source refers to it, but it does not load, and the problem is site wide. In my case, the source does not even reference WebResource.axd, and the problem is confined to specific pages (eg the login page uses WebResource.axd and works fine on my Windows 7 system, so again this is not a site wide issue). On the XP machine, and when running on the production systems, the WebResource.asd are referred to and load from createaccount.aspx etc.

Other symptom. When createaccount.aspx creates a membership cookie with:-


it cannot be read by any page on the site (including createaccount.aspx itself), giving an "Invalid value for 'encryptedTicket' parameter" error. Yet if this membership cookie is created by a different page (eg the Shopping Cart) it is fine and can be read by all pages of the site without error. Bizarre since the pages that work and those that don't work use the same code.

I am about to tear all the validators out of createaccount.aspx and replace with my validation....

Does anybody have any ideas?