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Thread: Product Spec Sheet

  1. #1
    kwa1207 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Product Spec Sheet

    I'm trying to find the file location for the Product Spec Sheet to increase the pop up size. I want to add a way for customers to download Installation PDF's from the site in an easy to control way. The best way I have found to do this is using the product spec sheet. The pop up window is to small however to read and i would like to make it larger. I dont see anything in the app controls and i also cannot find the XML file that would allow me to increase the file size.

    Any help on this would be great, I just want to incease the pop up windows size. Below is the line in my product sheet that its using to post the image. Thanks again for any help!

    <xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:ProductSpecsLink(ProductID, SpecsInline, SpecTitle, SKU, SpecCall)" disable-output-escaping="yes" />

  2. #2
    donttryathome is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    I'm not sure this can be changed without source code modifications. The code that handles the spec sheet popup window size is js, and I was unable to find where that is located. Maybe someone else could have better luck finding it.

    If all you need to do is provide your customers a link to a PDF file, why not write out the link from within your product xml package? This way you could have complete control over the size and position of the popup.

    I would name the PDF files by product ID, then in your XML package call the link to the PDF file using the product ID. If some products don't have a spec sheet you can use an if statement to only display the link if the appropriate file exists.

    This might be even easier for you since you wouldn't have to assign a spec sheet to any products, just create the PDF file, name it by product id, and upload it.
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