Hi All
I'm a completely new to this aspdotnetstorefront platform.
I have registered for the free online demo and gone through the site, As I need to develop an application similar like “Virtual Storehouse app” available on facebook.
Before I choose aspdotnetstorefront platform, I am stuck with few queries, assuming me as Super Admin of the site, can anyone have idea about it:
1) From where can I change the products’ background types?
2) Can I add sub-admins at-least one for each “Product-seller”?
3) Can a sub-admin(product-seller) add/edit product categories?
4) Can a category have sub-categories up-to n- level (unlimited)?
5) Can I search a product with SKU Modifiers of products added?
6) Can I apply tax according to Country in Shipping address added in cart while check-out?
7) Can we calculate International Shipping?
8) Say I am Super Admin of the site, if I have added few sub-admins(product-sellers). These sub-admins then added few products by their own. Whenever a product is sold, did the money flows to each sub-admins’ account separately for their product sold or all the money transaction flows to SuperAdmin Account.
9) While managing products can we choose products to appear on home page/dashboard?