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Thread: Help - inherited store with no known admin

  1. #1
    steveclv is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Help - inherited store with no known admin

    I have been given the task of recovering a store that the owner has lost the admin details for. I have complete access to the store via FTP and I backed up the database and recovered a copy to my local PC running SQL server and I can now access the database.

    I am going to have to learn Aspdotnetstorefront but is there a quick way that I can either find a username and password to gain access to Admin or can I insert a new record into the Customer table to achieve the same? Can I encrypt or decrypt a password correctly?

    Any help and pointers gratefully received

  2. #2
    webopius is offline Senior Member
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    Nov 2008
    London, UK


    Hmm. Yes there is but I'm sure you understand, I can't tell you how on a public forum.

    If you are able to provide FTP access, I can get you an admin account created.
    Contact me directly and I can probably help.


  3. #3
    BFG 9000 is offline Senior Member
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    Oct 2006
    South UK


    Just create a 'normal' customer account through the customer facing side of the site.
    Then - directly within the DB - update the IsAdmin field for that account to 3.

    e.g. UPDATE Customer SET IsAdmin = 3 WHERE Email = ''



  4. #4
    Skriver is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Exactly as above.

    Create a new account then open the customer.dbo table. Right at the bottom you will see your account. Move over to the IsAdmin column and change the levels to 1 for admin or 3 for superadmin.

    Then go to and you should be in.

    The admin directory maybe named something else though..