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Thread: Problems Locating Products

  1. #1
    doug_b is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Problems Locating Products

    I'm a developer who knows very little about StoreFront - I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue cause the Web guy moved on.

    The problem is that in Admin mode, we can't find some items in the Product table - the 'Search' doesn't seem to be working.

    We add new products to the ProductVariant, Product, and ProductManufacturer tables. I can query them in SQL. This process has been in place for several years, and has been working.

    But something broke - and we can't find new products. 'New' products don't have a category, or department. The query Products.LoadFromDb(true) seems not to be picking up these products. I looked at the SQL - it's 415 lines long!!!

    I'd appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks.

    dnn 04.09.00 AspDotNetStorefront ML/DNN

  2. #2
    BFG 9000 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    South UK


    You can just directly access the page here :-

    ( you can get the productid from SQL )

