We are upgrading our store from vs.7 to 9 and we have several XML packages in our site.
My boss came to me with the information that "now SF has Ajax!" and he is very excited with a supposition that there is a kind of a new "kit" or whatever that comes with the new MultiStore with plenty of neat controls and such.
Actually, I didn't heard about it, and reading the XMlPackages documentation I couldn't find any reference to that...
Anyway, we have a XMLPackage that supposed to help our customers to find easily car parts in our stock. It works fine, but since the customer has to choose car year, make and model and then a couple other options, we have several page refreshes that could be avoided with Ajax.
There is some kind of kit or native controls in the new SF 9 for Ajax?
If not, what would be the best approach to add Ajax features to a XML Package?