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Thread: MicroPay for Partial Payment

  1. #1
    ericpowell03 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default MicroPay for Partial Payment

    We're considering using MicroPay as a "Store Credit" solution. However, it appears that Micropay can only be used as a payment method for a transaction if the balance exceeds the cost of the transaction. Ideally, the customer could apply his/her remaining Micropay balance and use a traditional payment method for the remaining portion of the transaction.

    Is this possible?

    Yes, I realize we could give the customer the option to "load' their micropay account, but that seems overly burdensome on the customer.

    We could possibly use gift cards for this, but those present their own problems (inability to use in conjunction with a coupon code, for example).

    We are on version



  2. #2
    sstratton is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default Ditto on MicroPay

    Micropay seems to be a single payment solution instead of adding credits to orders while using Credit Cards on the order. Is there anyway to implement this possiblity without investing into the Source Code?

    Thank you,

    World Wide Wireless