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Thread: Categories in horizontal menu

  1. #1
    garysguy is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Categories in horizontal menu

    I have 3 categories: TV, Radio, and Film which each have 3 sub-categories. I want to display TV, Radio and Film in the top horizontal menu instead of just the single dropdown for categories that comes in default store.

    I have read this is controlled in but when I try and add TV, Radio or Films as their own items, I get errors.
    How do I accomplish this. It seems simple: three top level categories with sub categories displayed in rollover dropdown menu located in top nav.

    What am I missing?

  2. #2
    DotNetCommando is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Cincinnati, OH

    Default Make sure you don't have the same URL twice in the sitemap.

    I have come across problems with errors when editing Since its a site map you cannot have the same URL listed twice. Because of this I usually get rid of the category node and do it manually.